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Thread: Major Chakra Stimulation Technique(They work greatly on me, hope they do so on you)

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    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Trabzon, Turkey(Not the kind you eat :P )

    Lightbulb Major Chakra Stimulation Technique(They work greatly on me, hope they do so on you)

    Hello everyone, I want to share a major chakra stimulation technique that suddenly popped into my mind earlier today. It has a big effect on me, and I hope it will have a big effect on you. At least the temporary sensations are strong, I don't know the long term effects as I did it only today and I ate something a short time after that, grounding myself. It combines the BATI and visualization(imagination), as well as the energy in the universe. It's basically a technique that pulls energy from the universe to stimulate a desired chakra. I did it in medium altered state, and no pre-stimulation because I wasn't meditating at that moment, that was the deepest state I could get in one minute. I also did it for a short time, a total of five minutes or less to stimulate the crown and heart chakra(not simultaneously). So if ou do it for a longer time and in a deep altered state with prestimulation, I think this will magnify the effects greatly. Here it is:
    First, for each chakra, their color is used in this technique, so it can be better if you use them in this technique(I'll tell you where to use it) Most of you know that already, but if any you don't know that, here is the list:
    Base Chakra: Red
    Sacral Chakra: Orange
    Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow
    Heart Chakra: Green
    Throat Chakra: Sky blue
    Third eye Chakra(Brow): Dark blue
    Crown Chakra: Violet
    That is what I know about their colors, if anyone knows it better, I'm open for information. Now to the technique:
    After relaxing and going into an altered state and pre stimulating etc, visualize imaginery hands that penetrate into your body and go near the desired chakra(the chakra you choose to stimulate), than penetrating into it as well and ripping it's "shell" off completely, than removing the "shell", throwing it away. Than a blow torch appears and burns that shell. After that, imagine energy balls that hare full of positive energy(we wouldn't want any negative energy, would we?) at a size of tennis balls and at the color of the chakra to stimulate(the colors for each chakra is given above, and as I told you before, if there is anyone who knows better than me, please tell me about it) forming around you. There are many, so many balls that fills up the universe completely. Than imagine your chakra sending strings(also at the color of the chakra) to each and every one of these balls, and pulling them into itself using those strings. Take as many balls into your chakra as you please and feel them going into your chakra. During this, you may think of your chakra like a bag and it's getting bigger and bigger as it takes more balls in. When you think you have taken enough, burst them quickly one by one and let them release their energy into your chakra while it's size starts to shrink back to its original size. Than you can send the bursted balls back to the universe where they will be repaired and filled with energy again. Finally, let them disappear into the universe. Now you might wonder that where is the BATI part of it. It is actually in every part of the technique. While visualizing all this stuff, try and feel them happening with your body awareness. For example when the imaginary hands rip the chakra's shell off, feel them doing that. When you pull the energy bals into the chakra, feel the balls going into your chakra, feel it expanding, and getting energized and stimulated. That goes for every visualized action of the technique.
    May it be useful to all the practitioners who use this technique. It may need more experience and polishment, I don't know. But I felt the need of sharing this with the community, so please don't forget to post feedback if you try this technique. Maybe we can evolve it to a better one, right?

    And lastly, merry christmas and happy new years to everyone as it's twenty past twelve a.m. here.

    P.S. I forgot to tell about the effects it had on me. Stimulating heart chakra, gave me some OBE sensations right after I finished it. I also felt something close to a headache about half an hour later, and right about than, it was time for dinner, so I ate it and grounded myself.
    Last edited by TheSingular; 1st January 2014 at 09:45 PM.
    Be in peace and love in all lives.
    Be safe in all ways.
    Be well and cheerful at all times.
    Be helpful and compassionate to all others.
    This is the best wish that I can wish for myself and you.
    Live well and have fun!
    With my love and blessings,

    I hereby choose to evolve myself to something better than what I am now and help others do just that. For a better Humanity, and a better Universe!

    Positivity ROCKS!!!

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