I don't understand why I keep having the same dream. My husband and I moved out of our first house together 17 or 18 years ago. Yet I keep having dreams that we bought that house back and moved back in. It happened again last night. And again I remember touching the walls, feeling how solid they were and even stating out loud "At least it's real this time, and not another dream!"

This keeps happening-I can't count how many times! I wonder why? I wouldn't want to live there again even if the opportunity presented itself. It was great at the time but it's just not that wonderful a house. I do miss the fun we had while living there-we were young, had lots of friends and just had a great time. But it was the people, not the house, that made it great.

It's to the point where it's kind of annoying now. I'd like to move on to other dreams but my brain seems stuck on this one.

Anyone have thoughts to offer?