I apologize in advance if these questions have been answered before. I'm new here and unfamiliar with forums in general.
I have been attempting OBE daily for 2 weeks through energy work and meditation. I was lucky enough to feel symptoms the very first day and since (racing/pounding heart, vibrations, spinning, REM). However, my first OBE happened the other day and it was spontaneous. I woke up from a dream at 4 am with intense vibrations and hearing loud buzzing that actually hurt my ears. This had occurred once a couple nights previous that did not lead to an OBE but is otherwise a brand new experience to me. For some reason my half sleeping mind assumed I was being projected into a lucid dream (probably because I had set that intention before bed with no success yet). I imagined myself at a nearby beach and felt like I was racing through a tunnel at the speed of light. I experienced astral noises (my husband frantically and urgently talking to me about getting new hobbies such as walking...) which I quickly realized we're not real. My vision flicked open like a reflex as if I had been jolted and I could see around the room, but it was dark. I could rotate my point of view and sit up. The air felt heavy with static and vibrations. My senses felt muffled and my movement was light but uncoordinated and met with resistance as though I was in water. I shouted with excitement and experienced reality fluctuations of my husband engaging in conversation with me and turning on the lights which shifted my awareness back to my physical body with no vision. I consciously shifted awareness back and tried to move away from my body but felt stuck. Then my vision started tunneling until it all faded and I was left looking at the back if my eyelids.

My problem is that I can't recreate it. I don't know how or why the vibrations started in my sleep. Lately when i consciously attempt during the day I am not feeling vibrations...only strobing, REM, heart activity, and spinning. My method is currently to induce spinning sensations and imagine myself floating upward. But once the sensations start I always feel stuck in my body. I can feel the urge and energy to leave my body but I just can't whether I'm attempting an OBE or already in one. I theorize that the physical symptoms are so overwhelming I lose focus. I have difficulty thinking about anything but my physical body during all that commotion. Or perhaps focusing on leaving my physical body is putting too much awareness into my physical body?
Anyways, sorry for the long post. I don't have many people who I can share this awesome experience with! And I definitely don't know anyone who can give me some tips. Thanks