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    The Ego Mind Body (20 years of "SCIENTIFIC" investigations ) PART I

    The functioning of the mind body of egos (The theory) (20 years of investigation)

    The mind is like robot.
    This is not about what you know about hypnosis, this is about understanding how really your mind is structured. With hypnosis you can change a behaviour or belief. With this technique, if you take the time to do it, you can really change absolutely all what you think you will be always.
    But you must understand the pieces of the robot and how they works and how to change them.

    First a brief explanation of the elements of the mind.

    The most important is to understand there are different "independent" layers in the mind, like an ice cream, you can have an ice cream with a taste (one layer) a colour (another layer) and in a cookie or in a glass (another layer), but all of that are the ice cream.
    If you don't understand all different layers an ice cream has you can really control the design of the ice cream, the same is with the mind.
    The important here is you must understand when you create a mental structure to program in your mind you define it in all the layers.

    1 Layer Egos that belongs to the being
    Higher egos, related to tasks of integration, communication and gathering of specific energy
    Middle egos, related to tasks of analysis and others of medium complexity.
    Child Egos, related to gathering energy and integration with other human beings.
    The child Ego born in the body, he is in charge of several vital functions like to structure the being and has a very special control of the being. This is interesting because it is a new ego, that incorporates to the being, and that is the reason why a being must reborn, to include a new ego and allow him to learn and evolve, in the next life then another ego is added to the being, and different egos are needed to execute different functions in the mind, once a level is reached then we can evolve to what we understand as angels. More interesting is to understand that ego is the evolution of egos that were living in animals in several life, and integrate in one ego that can be integrated to a human being, that makes sense to the process of reincarnation and to several process in the nature.

    2 Layer of The Him and the Angel Being
    The evolution of our beings needs to be managed by some higher beings, the Angel Being group, is in the same way we care of animals helping to live physically and evolve, and we can use them as resources; in the same way mentally and spiritually they do with us, when we integrate to one Angel Being group they can manage our being and help us at the same time they benefit they can operate in lower levels of reality.
    The Him is the tools that allows this to happens.
    The programming of the Him is vital, because it can allow a negative Angel Being to operate on our being and destroy it, the more important is even in the same day we can connect to different Angel Beings, and to different Angel Being Groups too. The Him is something we must care all the time.
    The Him not only identifies the Angel Being group and connects to them, the Him too defines the interface, this means, what and when the Angel Being does.
    The Angel Being is not everything, he too need to connect to other higher minds, to exists, and when we connect to the Angel Being Group we got access to those other higher minds too.
    Is important to note there are several mental and spiritual groups of beings to execute different mental and spiritual functions.
    The Angel Being is connect and flows through love, this doesn't means the angel being is love, but he is integrated to love, and he must flow inside of us, for that purpose there are something like rails, and I discovered in the spiritual world, the flow of that love is expressed like a train, because of the sound it generates and the way it flows inside of us.

    Note.- The techniques used by different ego groups to manage the being
    The higher mind, don't have a direct access to the subconsciousness and for some decisions, like to marry with a specific person, they can set some tricks, like setting in the mind of one ego that person you are in love, is your mother.
    The techniques that defines the connection and activation of egos
    In the same way there are process that defines which connection we have to stablish.
    The subconscious defines the Angel Being he must connect based in the way he perceives as powerful, amazing; not based in which is correct, and based in a specific group of properties, like who rules over the rest, omnipresent; there are other suggestions like anyone who see to his eyes, dies, that defines the predominance of that mind, this means if one ego who is not identified with the him, tries to take precedence over one ego that is identified with the him, then he dies, this means the energy is drained from him, and that task is executed by the subconsciousness.

    2 Layer of the Subconscious
    The subconsciousness is in charge of managing the egos, activating, deactivating, displacing, etc. but more important is the subconscious has the function to associate with a higher mind and with an Angel being, and once associated to them, they have special control of an ego.
    The subconsciousness manages the egos based on the identity of the ego, the qualification of the ego and can manipulate some internal functioning of the ego.
    Based on the programming from different authorities the Subconscious grants or inhibits the functioning of an ego, totally or partially.
    After reading the bible I had asked several times if the "die" term expressed in the law was initially directed to provide to the subconsciousness with a structure inhibit or activate the different egos every one has in their mind, this means the initial intention is not to cause a physical dead, else a mental inhibition of one ego.

    3 Layer of The Body of egos,
    is where threshold of consciousness resides, it is very complex, more than I expected, and is where the egos and the different energy flows. It has several structures like caves where our own egos exists and others where projected egos can resides and several passages to connect with that egos and share their minds, it is not like perceiving the energetic body, it requires to turn off the light you generate when you focus the attentions, but they are there you only has to take the time to be concious and perceive their displacement, and the structures where they resides.
    The complexity of the functioning of the egos, requires a Administrative process to manage them.
    Blocks of energy, these are structures of energies where an ego resides, but one being can create in his own body of egos or in the body of egos of another person, that structures, and depending on the place they can block to the correct displacement and connection of egos and in consequence the good functioning of the phenomena of consciousness.
    The balloon of egos, the egos are not always active with energy, they are like balloons you can inflate with energy and displace to a specific place to activate them, and the subconsciousness activate them based on position, the problem is when another ego is projected in the same place, or when this ego is displaced out of a specific distance of the body of egos, necessary to participate in the phenomena of consciousness.
    There is too a minimum distance an ego must be of the body of egos to grant energy to it.

    4 Layer of the threshold of consciousness and the illusion of a single mind.
    Any ego present in that area is present in the consciousness, the phenomena of the consciousness and a single mind, is really a task of several egos working in together.
    Any one is conscious of this process when moves and changes from different egos, from adult, to father or child, every one of that egos has different way of think, memory, motivational structure, etc.
    You had heard about the child and adult ego, but maybe you didn't read fully the theory of egos, and didn't know there is not only one child ego, there is a adapted child ego, a rebel child ego. And even more, there are more complex process between ego, in example a women with several personalities had as an ego of her mind the ego of his sister who died when she was a kid.
    Your mind what you think you are, in reality is the integration of your egos and several other egos from other human beings and higher beings.

    5 Layer of the point of consciousness
    The ego child is always present in the point of consciousness of the being, and the egos in the threshold of consciousness.
    This Layer set the methodology and techniques to manage the being from the consciousness and at will.

    6 Layer of the internal functioning of every ego
    The ego depending of the level he belongs, ego child, higher mind, etc. has different limitations in mind capacity and functionality.
    The suggestions, that are like conversation, must be adjusted to every type of mind.
    Every egos needs to be programmed to operate correctly in several topics:
    - Abilities to displace in the body of egos: how to displace to the area in the threshold of consciousness where he resides.
    - Good functioning of their systems, functions, process, etc.
    - Correct identification and valoratio in the subconsciousness to receive the resource he needs to operate.
    - Proper configuration of the Him, because the subconsciousness will associate every ego to the Angel Being identified in the Him.
    - etc.
    Every ego has his own mind and memory, they can be programmed displacing to the control area (inner area of the skull), of focusing in the area where they resides.
    The Egos requires the programming of the functioning of all their systems.

    Note.- The presence and function of egos from other Higher beings.
    What I discovered is we need to connect to several higher minds to operate correctly and survive mentally and spiritually. We do permanently but frequently we suppose we are that, but we are not all of that.
    All the Higher beings connect through egos, or synchronism with mind, this means, if the mind don't have time or space, then it integrates to minds who vibrates in the same frequency.
    All the Higher beings has a limited range of help they can give and we need to understand to operate correctly.
    In example based in the theory we can say, the infinite mind is present in the atoms, because when the thought lowers the frequency becomes in matter, through the infinite mind flows the energy of life, once we receive this flow, we need to sanctify it, this means we need to grant the management of this energy to the ego of God the Father granted to us.
    And the spirit of the father has to execute several function inside of us to guarantee a good functioning, but not all, there are other process he can't do, literally, but apparently he has the knowledge, the pattern to structure the mind to execute them. The ego of the father I suppose is in the skull in the front. and occupy a small space, but expands one we pride and set our mind correctly to allow he to work in us. But he can be displaced by will too.
    Basically it is about thinking objectively in you mental body as you do in your physical body.

    7 Layer of positive motivation
    The motivation IS EVERYTHING is the energy that drive the functioning of the egos of the being. Any thing that inhibit the motivation is dangerous for your mind, because motivation is energy and memory of mental structures to activate egos and the mind.
    Every ego requires to activate his memories that motivates a specific behaviour.
    It is about converting any internal or external perception in a positive motivator.

    8 Layer of the different systems of energy
    The being requires different types of energy to operate correctly:
    The Gathering and granting of sexual energy.
    The gathering and flow of energy of life.
    The integration with positive love and flow of love in the being.
    The Emotions and Feelings.
    All this different kind of energy must be programmed in all the layers of the being, because
    a) an energy implies connections with egos inside and outside the being,
    b) an energy activates different functions that operates in the being

    Every ego requires specific type of energy, to be activated, once the internal structure is set, the higher mind specially needs sexual energy to "wake up".

    The egos works based on different kind of energies, that energies can be associated previously with another ego, this means to use that energy can imply to integrate with a higher mind. Specially the sexual energy, it should be integrated with the energy love before receiving or granting sexual energy.
    Integration of energy with egos, an ego to exist, from the being or from another beings needs to create a structure of energy in one area.
    The emotions and feelings are different energies that implies a specific mentla structure.

    9 The layer of the filled
    The filled is the technique to fill the area where the being resides with different kinds of energy, this energy can allow an ego to exists and a being to operate or in the contrary can inhibit a connection or the presence of an ego in one area, for that reason is important to clean up periodically undesired structures and create another.
    But before that is necessary to clean the connection with undesired beings, because when a person project inside of us with some intention he is creating with the energy projected inside of us a filled of energy.

    10 Layer of the Systems of the Mind
    The mind has several systems to execute specific tasks and there are one or more egos assigned to every task.
    When creating a mental structure all the mental systems must be motivated to work correctly.
    Systems: Survival, purification of energy, integration to universal mind, Systems of management of the different types of energy, Defence of the being in the different layers of the being.

    In example the survival system, is assigned to the higher mind, and every time the mind perceives there is a risk of survival, the higher mind is activated.
    An incorrect internalised reality, like "this is not real" can inhibit the activation of that system and in consequence the egos are not activated, and the mind is inhibited and can be manipulated easily.

    11 The Layer of the roles
    The important here is to understand the being exists executing roles, and when you think in a mental structure you must think in a mental structure that will exists in all the roles that being executes.
    in every role there is:
    a) a specific organization of egos,
    b) a specific priority in goals
    c) different "treasures", this means internalized realities in the minds that sets a specific tasks as the most important, and guides the subconsciousness to organize all the being to get it.

    12 The layer of the physical body
    Is important to repeat the egos needs an area an energy to exists, and they are integrated even to the physical body, the health of the physical body influences the energy that the egos uses to operate.
    Last edited by juancarlosreyesp; 3rd February 2015 at 04:44 PM.

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