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Thread: Nursing babies

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  1. #11

    Re: Nursing babies

    Flying dream with magic tricks.
    Woke up about 4am, raised energy then circled bottom of feet over and over and over . Could feel energy travel up legs. Full body circle taking the whole body in one swoop as fast as I could. Finished just circling feet over and over again until I fell asleep doing it.
    Woke up . Recalled dream.

    I'm flying hovering near the ceiling of a room where there are two men sitting at a table in an adjoining room. I decide to stay up so I can make a quick getaway if they are not friendly. I enter the room and approach lowering to the ground as they Dont seem bothered about me.Next thing I know I am sitting opposite them at the table but the table is now outside. Behind me is another air show taking place. Statues flying up into the sky. It seemed to be in the distance. I remember jokingly sticking a pen in one of the men to see if it would hurt. It didn't, it just went through him. I remember asking him how I would find my way back here again if I wanted to come back and he told me to just think of this place and I will find my way.
    Another part of the dream was me sitting in a room with a few other people in what was like a shop. 3 other people were behind the counter. One by one my group were asked what kind of ice cream they would like. This was magic. We were being shown how to create something out of nothing. They were all given their chosen ice cream but when it came to me I didn't get asked. I was missed out.
    Next the group including me were shown how to create puppies. A dog was just lying there and someone put their hand near the dog and produced a ball. Threw it over to me and it suddenly turned into a big bouncing dog.
    This is all I can remember from the dream but points I want to note.
    1) I turned around to see the airshow. I didn't have 360 vision. However during consciously induced OBEs I don't always have 360 .
    2) The 2 lessons were on materialisation.
    3) I didn't get an ice cream because I was dissapointed in myself last night when I went to bed because I knew I had had more than my 1glass of wine that I have been keeping to. ( still only half a bottle but I was dissapointed in myself for failing)
    So this wasn't me just landing in astral and communicating with who ever was around.
    The two men may have just been conjoured up for my benefit to experience the difference. I felt nothing from them. There were no feelings of friendship, joy, fear, nothing. Just contact.
    I may not be getting this right. It's a difficult one because I seemed to be with other students learning about materialisation but the bit with the two men have me stumped.
    Well it's logged anyway.
    Last edited by susan; 3rd February 2015 at 08:53 PM.

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