Soul star. I've just read this mentioned in Siners's post.
I can show my ignorance in this subject of chakras. I learn as I go and often after the event. I've only consciously focused on the chakras within the body but it seems there may be more outside , above body. ( thank you for pointing this out Sinera.)
I read it is supposed to link to the higher self and enlightenment. I feel the communication I'm getting may be from my higher self or an aspect of myself ( if that is the correct term) because sometimes the communication is very loving as a parent, and sometimes as a female and sometimes seems to have a slightly male lower sound. ( higher self, male , female characteristics)
Sometimes it is just like my kind of way of speaking as you would do to a friend. So, although different at times I believe all connected to me in some way.
My thoughts are about the beautiful star like experiences I've had, and even the last one where the boy was outlined in stars. Is this me having opened up the chanel of this chakra which I did'nt even know existed.?
Another thought, when twice saw the same boy in period costume but a few years in age difference, then lying dead on a battle field and I was a young boy, now seeing this young boy mentioned above,........why always a boy?
I was told this morning that I have to visit people, they don't come to me. ( encouragement to get out myself unaided is what I feel here )