Hello everybody

I was wondering if someone could please help me shed light on this dream.
I always pay extra attention to dreams concerning the ocean and its inhabitants as they always seem to be important spiritual messages or advice for me.
I was swimming underwater with my partner in a crystal clear ocean and came across a huge rock. Embedded in the rock were three beautiful, quite large shells with geometric patterns. I was touching them and showing my partner what I had discovered and we realised they were turtle/tortoise shells. I knew the shells weren't empty but wondered why the turtles/tortoises were stuck into the rock and felt disappointed because I couldn't see them. I then saw my partner over at another rock where there was an even larger shell stuck into the rock and he was pulling and wrenching it away from the rock with all his strength and as it came away the very large turtle/tortoise became unstuck and gracefully swam by us and we got to enjoy its beauty.

I would really appreciate any interpretations