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  1. #11


    -a great cardio dance session. feels so good doing cardio in winter and after not having done it for so long
    -how sculpted my arms are looking
    -eye massage
    -getting my job confirmed for saturday
    -believing the cat will be fine
    -best friend's reassurances and help
    -best friend confiding in me more and even sending 10 texts explaining more when i wanted more info to understand. with how minimal he has been lately,that was amazing.
    -indian food
    -swimsuit tops
    -getting my ride confirmed for friday
    -having a knowing l will be contacting me soon
    -getting all these intense positive knowing feelings out of nowwhere about l
    -sleep and how good it feels
    -doing my speaking affirmations and how good it feels when i do feels like a facial even as it relaxes my face
    -talking to someone online on a loa forum as she coached me more on l situation and told me my situation isn't very bleak at all and gave me some tips and helped me spot a resistance i didnt notice.seeing me write it out to her again showed me my situation isn't as bad other's situations at all. she said i have all the power already which was helpful
    -doing some EFT to forgive another old situation from the past today and seeing how the situation from the past i did EFT on yesterday really is connected to right now.of course,they all are,that's why i'm working on them and why they came up but seeing how it all connected to bring me to the limiting beliefs i had is reallyy fascinating. everything is connected.
    -feeling sexy and beautiful
    -my beauty
    -the chance i've had to do all the clearing work i've done
    -seeing the best friend situation shift and how it's the best proof of my power with loa
    -the power of detachment and surrender and getting better at it.i think my favorite word for it right now is surrender. it just sounds so gentle and loving. the power of surrender is so utterly transformative and healing.
    -feeling abundant and happy
    -my heart's desires
    -slowing down and embracing quiet
    -seeing my affirmations work!
    -seeing compassion from my best friend when i was crying about an article online and him telling me not to read that because it'll make me worried about the cat since it's a sad thing and i've felt worried about the cat
    -my best friend knowing me better then anyone else and my capabilities,my beliefs on things,my anxieties,my desires,and so on. he knows me better then anyone. i am so grateful for him.
    -laptop charger
    -my phone
    -feeling comfortable
    -feeling present
    -realizing how simple things can be
    -letting go of resistances
    -getting excited for life
    -realizing january hasn't been too bad,actually.
    -how taken care of i am
    -realizing despite how optimistic i may have thought i was all these years,i can certaintly be a happier person,if i take an honest look at myself. working on freeing myself up from worries and old things i've held onto is something i'm looking forward to
    -feeling grateful
    -feeling peaceful
    -that the days are getting longer.
    -evolving and how good that feels for my energy to be renewing
    Last edited by buttercup; 28th January 2016 at 05:50 AM.

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