-the air conditioner
-feeling less sick today
-meeting all my goals for the month of may and how amazing that feels
-taking an uber for the first time on my own,and from here,and seeing how that went and how great it was. it was only 4 something with the credit i had and i got two offers for a ride back after of not needing to do uber so i took one of them up from my dad and got brought home so all in all very success. i had also been offered a ride there by M's husband but wanted to go there on my own.
-my dad being happy i came by
-seeing my brother's cat and how great that was and him sitting by me a lot
-my job at the yoga studio and how much i love it
-my beauty
-getting some abs
-the dots finally connecting more of how i'll do things i want to do now while i'm here
-that we are going shopping again Monday since it's a holiday and M loves going to the mall on holidays
-giving my brother some candy and snacks from my event when i came by
-my phone
-S liking a lot of my pics on ig lately for some reason
-feeling free in a lot of ways
-feeling very abundant,moreso then i've felt in awhile
-buying myself a pedicure certificate which just happens to be by my yoga studio job so i can easily go to it and some new legwarmers
-that i ended up doing 2 of 4 solo challenges proposed by therapist so far,which i'm actually happy with even if i don't get to 4 since that can be a gauging point for next time
-getting a good sleep last night
-things coming together
-how well things have been flowing
-seeing how it's actually perfect that job today i rescheduled for next week and another thing last week how it was actually perfect i opted out of last day of it
-all the jobs i have booked. june is already pretty full.
-a sense of satisfaction with how the month has gone
-doing the stairmaster for a few minutes last night and how great that felt. my new favorite cardio machine.
-my green tea face scrub
-deep,cleansing breaths
-seeing life as an adventure
-my confidence growing
-healthy digestion
-that time of the month so no more pms which is nice but instead a feeling of taking it easy
-great ideas coming to me
-the italian croissants i tried and love