Quote Originally Posted by buttercup View Post
Now i'm confused.
No, not at all, actually, but for the sake of argument...

Confusion is because you want to think it over more, when you yourself are just another thought in that mess. You want to understand it. Find some peace in the midst of an emotionally difficult time, but the ends you're seeking are entirely at odds with the means you're employing to reach them. Everything is mind made and has no reality outside of what thought says it is.

"Thoughts make messes, so I'll think it over more..."

If thinking it over and wrestling with your situation was the road to resolve and peace, I'm sure you'd have found something to hold onto by now, yes?

The entire issue is a fabrication in your mind. Phantoms. And that is exactly why you can't find peace: you're seeking peace with the very tool that creates the chaos that's got you seeking peace in the first place.

Try a simple experiment:

1. Do not think about this issue for at least 30 minutes. At all. Think of nothing. Notice if the pain needs thought to sustain itself. To exist at all.
2. If, in the total absence of thought, there is no burden then ask if you're onto something.

Confusion is your friend. It's the mind firing down on empty cylinders in hopes it'll connect with a live round that puts the whole thing in perspective and brings peace. Failure (click)...failure (click)....

The only way to peace is to drop it all. When you stop trying to make sense of it all by asserting yourself, the illusion stops asserting itself. Stop investing energy into the whole mess, and you'll soon find there is no energy in the system to mess with you. Stop telling the story, and without that constant input of energy the story vanishes in entirety.

I'll send some peace your way soon.
