Will add to, keep getting logged off.

In physical for the past 3 months I've realy been trying hard not to judge people or allow any bad thoughts come into my mind. Trying to see the best in them ,imagine being them, understanding. These last 3 months have realy seen a big effort from me. This life at the moment is so different and I'm back in the UK for 4 weeks but I dont think I want to stay any longer than that.
( back to edit)
I feel I havent realy said what I mean very well, so I'll try again.
For the last 3 months `I've had a lot of fear.Not of people but of the driving on the roads. The people I've met - some may have caused me to be cautious but have ended up being so kind, generous, curtious, respectful. This place is rich in culture, disorganised, tomorrow means next week, but I realy enjoy the craziness of it. I just have to overcome the fear. When fear is completely eliminated I hope its replaced with just sensible caution so I can enjoy the experience of living amongst these lovely people.

I want to bring this old post forward.
The first dream where the baby's face was moulding, merging with the fabric of the sheet. This reminds me of the 'fabric of the universe'. Everything all connecting, being connected.

I think my hard work is maybe paying off and I'm doing okay!

Journal 6th June 2013. Page 8.
Quote Originally Posted by susan View Post
Golden threaded universe.
I am currently reading Jurgen ZIewe's 'Multi Dimensional Man' and I love his style of writing. It's one of the best books I've read but what I am encouraged by are the similarities of experiences.
A few years ago in my paper journal I wrote of viewing behind closed eyelids an exquisite fine gold threaded universe,so fine and sparkling with golden planets and gold lines like thread seemed to connect them.
I have just read today that Jurgen experienced the same.
He describes" ......unfolded the universe in front of me. A vast space opened up, and a giant symmetrical web made from golden threads, each junction studded with an enormous golden sun. Each sun casting off golden patterns, which interacted with each other."

He writes of being with a group of friends that he appears to know but not in physical.
I am currently experiencing the same,( I'm sure many are on this site)
Just love his book.