While you are all still on the topic, I want to propose you a simple experimental method for inducing "experiences", the method is based on self hypnosis or trance state, it is not a silver bullet but if you give him at least one month of test, you can have an experience from beyond! The method is very simple and short, and does not require wbtb(wake back to bed), long mediative session's or losing sleep, the worst it can happen is you falling asleep unconsciously. The only requirement is that you are really tired and sleepy, maybe when going to bed or taking a nap. It consists of two phases and here are the steps:
When you do this open your eyes and make observations on your surroundings, make a reality check or two to be sure in what state you are if you are confused of what is happening, whether you had an experience or not. Don't forget to post your weirdest experiences here.