Egregore (also "Egregor") is an occult concept representing a "thought form" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme.

Elemental is in modern occultism the word "elemental" can also be used to mean any simple or only partly sentient spiritual entity. These entities can be entirely natural (for instance, the spirit of a group of trees) or can be created by magicians or sorcerers to perform a task for them. The latter type are called servitors. This kind of "subservient" or "man-made" elemental can be found mentioned in the works of Austin Osman Spare or Aleister Crowley. They are a vital concept in modern Chaos Magic.

According to Franz Bardon;
Elementals have purpose only
Elementals are made of one element in the mental realm

Elementaries are made of one or more elements in any realm or a combination thereof
Elementaries have life and are a child or clone of the magician who is karmically responsible for their actions