Unison, WarriorKing nailed it: the only way you are going to have the proof you are looking for (for now anyway) is to have it happen to you. I have had one involuntary full-blown OBE and it was incredible. And I have had other psychic stuff happen. All together they are more than enough to keep me interested, though I don't know if I will ever have voluntary control of such experiences.

On the Astral Pulse forum a poster named The Voice of Silence is doing some really fascinating stuff -- and keeping good records of his (or her) results. I don't have the link right now, but to to the site if you want and just look up his posts for this month. That should get you to the thread I am thinking about.

Also, if you can get Discover Magazine, they sometimes have articles about what hard-core scientific types are doing in the metaphysical arena. They have so far been able to induce OBE and ND experiences, as well as the Deja Vu feelings we have likely all had. This has been done, to the best of my memory, with magnetic pulses and electrical stimulation. And DON'T TRY THAT AT HOME!

The basic abilities we are working with are very real -- no question, no doubt! Now, as to all the window-dressing that people are adding to it; welll, that remains to be seen.