Hi Robert,

I've had many OBE's over the past couple of years since practicing NEW, many thanks for your advice and expertise regarding this topic.

Recently I tried calling on a spirit guide for assistance in the separation process, something I had read in one of Robert Monroe's books. I'm still working on the main chakra and torso areas where the astral form is difficult to separate VS my arms and legs.

When I requested assistance, I actually felt like someone had grabbed my hands and tried to pull me up. This actually succeeded one time with a full separation. It felt like I was being ripped from my body with what felt like small electrical discharges as one gets when you pull two sweaters apart with low humidity. The last couple of times I stayed put but instead tried to feel what these hands felt like, one time feeling like a guys hand the next time a woman hand.

The main question I have is was this real interaction in some form of spirit guide or beings; do I have more than one guide helping? Or is it an aspect of manifestation that can occur as with the exit technique using a rope; the sensation of the rope also feeling like the real thing.
