muse wrote:
there might also be something to where you want to head specifically. i've never thought of the astral as part of the galaxy system, like heaven i guess. i don't think of it as "up". to me it's something that surrounds me on all levels and there's no end to how one can get there.
Well, I've never thought of that way either, except that in my head the physical universe would qualify as the RTZ, just 'big'. I have been in situations where I'm floating in 'outer space', aware that it's prob. my interpretation of 'inner space', but have wondered if there is a way to actually going to any of the planets 'out there' and seeing the RTZ there, so I've done the 'up' thing, not because it's the only way to go, but because I've done it before, and it's been the most scary, visual and fun, all at the same time. But I've never arrived at a 'planet'. But lately I've had the drive to do it, (almost a compulsion, frankly) but no dice. It's like there's a rubber band in the 'uppermost' layers, which bounces me back.