Quote Originally Posted by hasalameth
Ok, this post will require answers, fast. It could sound stupid to you guys, but keep in mind, in this incarnation and at this point, I'm a newbie, trying to remember temporairly forgotten skills, help me and I'll help you in return

I have reason to believe I astrally project very often, and that my higher self is very busy during these projections, working a lot with healing energy work, and also (this was told to me by one of the most experienced and acknowledged psychics in my country) conducts a huge astral chorus. I study music in my waking life and I sing in three choruses. She told me my energy vibrates on such a high level, negative influences can't even get close enough to touch me (this was when I asked about psychic vampirism, the advice was just to elevate your vibrations to a level where negs can't reach you).

Ok. If this is true, I'm doing pretty important stuff on the Planes. Now look at it like this. If my newbie physical world consciousness starts projecting consciously, wouldn't that mess up the duties of my astral double? Or would I just become automatically aware of my double life and work with it as usual? Or is the psychic talking about my higher self which does stuff remotely from my other self, and thus the two can operate on different frequencies minding their own businesses? I will ask RB this thing too.

Thank you,

Astral Conductor

Please answer this as soon as you find the time, this is the one and only thing making me doubt it's a good thing to mess with the natural processes of OBE.

Thanks for a great program!
