You mean me passing out? It was kind of freaky, but it was a mixture of a lot of things... I don't know if I'm situated on a chi crossing, as I don't know what a chi crossing is.

Day 29 Night
I'm starting to really enjoy the night time as that is when all the interesting things happen. I may have had a partial out of body exit last night. I was sitting in bed going into a trance when I felt the same lightness that I described before. This time I must have been slightly deeper in trance but I started to move myself from side to side of my body. Then I remember trying to get my hand out of my hand it felt really weird. After that I went to sleep. But this morning I woke up remembering another part of what happened last night. I was moving my arm around and it felt normal again, and I was sitting up in an angle physically impossible. I thought to myself, "I'm not really out of body, I'm just imagining this because I'm so close to sleep." Well that may have been true it may also not have been, and I was at an angle I couldn't physically do. But it may have been a figment of my overactive dream imagination. What do you think? In my partial OBE (if it was which I'm not sure about) there was a light in my room which shouldn't have been there as all the lights in my room were out.

Day 30 - Ladder Method for Trance
Nothing of great interest happened today except for last night. The ladder method wasn't as effective as the elevator method. But it doesn't matter because I still felt myself starting to detach mentally from my body. Trance is a lot easier than I expected.

That's awesome that you got that feeling while mind taming. I did mind taming during those two weeks, just not the techniques in the book. I haven't had a problem with mind taming since I started doing trance so I guess no damage done .

I have a lot of those when I think about things that should be weird in dreams, but since I'm dreaming it doesn't appear weird to me.