I apologise as this can only be boring to other people, but over the past 10 years I have had several really intense dreams about a man I have met only a few times, but with whom I instantly formed a strong connection. . . in the dreams I feel totally blissful; we often remark to one another how happy we are to be together - nothing really happens as far as "plot" goes, just this sense of euphoria at having found a soul-mate. Sometimes I wonder whether this dream connection can be a 2-way thing - I'm not in a position to discuss this "in the body", so to speak, with this man, as we lost touch a long time ago; I would also be embarrassed to do so! Just last night I dreamed very clearly that he had come to visit, but slept for a day & night in a locked room; he was due to leave shortly. Now I have a feeling of foreboding. . . . .
Would anyone have any insights to offer, please?