When I used to sleep on my right side and SP came over me, I would feel this weird type of pain on the right side of my body, a couple inches higher then my belly button, kind of like something in my body was being squished which caused a cramp like sensation. I used to think it one of my organs doing something, but I would only ever feel it during sleep paralysis, but that was long ago, and it would let up when I snapped out of it.

After having a successful OBE, I’ve only had a couple experiences since; one where I’m gathering it was a dream, though I was fully lucid, in the other, I got the pain again, but it was in a total different spot then I have ever felt. It was below my belly button between the middle of my body and the edge of my body, and spanned a few inches from the center, though not to suggest it was in a circle.

It hurt as I tried to leave upward using the rope tech from laying on my back in my bed.

I have absolutely no idea what it could be, but I have NEVER felt anything like it except in SP, and never before in this location?

Can anyone help me? Could this be a result of lack of pulling energy into my body?

I am honestly scared now of continuing to try to astral project or anything.