Hey im not sure if this is the right place to post this, but i figured i was trying to sleep when i was looking at this so dreams was the first thing that came to mind. I am just a bit curious as to what a fishtank symbolises or represents.. I was trying to sleep and was having no luck and then i looked at the fishtank (it has fish in it) that we recently bought as a family pet.. It was the most relaxing and calming thing i had ever seen and brought me to complete relaxation.. Im just wondering if the fish have any relevance..? My best guess is the flowing water in the tank (almost like a fountain) represents a good force and made me to be calm.. Im not sure.. but looking at the fish brought me straight to feel relaxed ( i was a little tense and worked up.. the night b4 my accounting exam). Well any help is much appreciated and thanks in advance.
