
Are you familiar with the event of "fire the grid" on July 17, 2007 at 11:11 gmt? Supposedly, this is an event to gather as many people together to raise their vibration at a critical mass to "fire the grid" on the planet to help heal the planet and start raising the vibration of all humanity. Shelly Yate's website explains it all (last time I checked (1 hr ago) though, it was down). If you google fire the grid on utube you can watch her video lecture. I was googling "fire the grid" about an hour ago, just to see how many and what kind of hits I received. (I heard about Shelly a couple of years ago on Doreen Virtue's 'Angel Therapy' board)

Anyway, there were a couple of hits that came up imploring us that it was all a ruse by the reptilian ET's to strengthen the prison grid they erected around the planet so long ago.

Ok, now I'm obviously interested in metaphysics, otherwise I never would have stumbled across your site a year ago and found you docs on NEW. (Totally awesome btw!). So, I've heard of the reptilian ETs in my perusal of metaphysical info. I've even heard Diane Stein talk about the galactic war going on out in the astral - deep space realm - between the spiritually advanced "light" races and the "Dark lord- type races (for lack of better term)" and Earth's fate seems to hang in the balance. Now I know of Diane through my reiki circles. I've never met her, but I admire her sincerity and belief that healing is an god-given right to us and that because reiki is a healing modality, it should be available to the masses. It was Diane who first published the reiki symbols used in healing, which were previously secret and known only to those who paid small fortunes for attunements (re: thousands of dollars). So, to me, at least, she is a credible source. And, you've written of running across some nasties out in the astral realm. I also remember your essay on how you received your sword.

To me, FIRE THE GRID, sounds like a noble and worthwhile way to spend an hour and perhaps contribute to the greater good of mankind, our planet, the environment and all the other nonhuman dewellers (flora, fauna....). What's your take? I really would appreciate any thoughts you might have.

