Last night I was having a dream (that I don’t remember now), when I heard a step, step, step on my bedroom floor. Then I felt something heavy sit on the edge of my bed. I thought That’s not part of my dream…

My belly did a flip-flop and I quickly surrounded myself with white light.

I did not know what kind of visitor this was. The dead people variety, the astral traveler, or something else, all I knew was I’m not wanting to deal with anything else right now.

I slipped back into sleep.

Sometime later I woke up again and rolled over. Kicked something at the foot of my bed and got nervous again.

As I slowly became more conscious, I realized two things:
1. I am turning into a big chicken.
2. It was my dog laying at the foot of the bed.

She got up, moved, and breathed stinky dog-breath in my face. Then I realized one more thing. I don’t have a dog. Just joking. I realized stinky dog-breath can be very reassuring at 4:22 in the morning and you don’t know who’s been sitting on the edge of your bed.