Well, Lets start from the begining. About 8 years ago i started having dreams. I was dreaming about things that were a week off. I remember having a dream about an asteroid burning up over Texas. and exactly a week after that dream, i saw the video of the space shuttle burning up on re-entry over texas and it was exactly the same picture and everything that i saw in my dream. I would have dreams about Floods happening all over the united states. When i would sit and talk with people, their entire lifes past to future would for some reason unfold inside my mind. I would recall events that happened to them that nobody else apparently knew.

This has been something i had been living with for a long time and had become used to. These feelings began intensifying as i started doing energy work every day. It started to get bad at one point. When seeing things that had happened to people, it would start becoming that i could visually see the effects on the person, even though to everyone else they looked normal. shortly after that, i would start to feel things when around certain people. I had been told that i was a natural vampyre and that i had no control over what i was doing. Then others told me that accompanied with that was extreme Empathy that expanded itself into feelings and sight.

But recently, like in the past year. i have had no dreams. i have been working constantly. i can no longer sleep more than 4 hours a night without waking up for no reason at all. My family life is suffering as i feel i am losing touch with my wife and our daughter. I no longer feel things, see things, or hear things from others Inner self. Since all of this stopped happening. Life has lost alot of the fun and excitement it once held to me. i fear i am losing touch with my real self.

If anyone has any help, ideas, or anything at all. i would GREATLY appreciate it! i miss my empathy and my dreams. i need to get back in touch with myself. thanks for taking the time to read this!