Hello all my name is Cody as you can see but I like to say so anyway for politeness sakes im 18 and am from FL USA.

For about two years now I have reguraly every day or close to it done some kind of energy work from attempts at astral

projection to kundalini or just being aware.

My attemps at astral projection usually end with a very electrical feeling with a partial seperation and with kundalini I get

heat and it feels after wards like I have had a good nap or just drunk a good deal of caffeine.

All above is when I am consciously doing these things but for about three weeks now new things have been starting to

happen begining with two experiences where I have been able to see threw my closed eye lids while prepareing for sleep.

Nextly I have been haveing very detailed dreams reguraly about matters in my life instead of random synarios.

Also twice I have become aware in my room but not in my bed or my body and aware that I was out of body but unable to

move around much.

Lasty and for the reason I posted here is that one night I became conscious and my body was in a torrent of eletrical fire

VERY intense VERY intense and it felt unimaginablely wounderfull but as I raised it there was a kind of pressure sensation

around my chest and as the feeling grew so did pressure sensation. I felt as though I could go much further but I would kill

or hurt myself if I did and after that I have no memory.

Then around a week later and just a few days ago from now I became aware of the same experience except that there

was no pressure sensation and it seemed as though I had no control over it also I dont recall it aswell as the first experience.

I would greatly appreciate any advice or input anyone has and thank you for your time.