Good day

I remember reading on this website that you are a vegetarian. It raised the question, how do you get vitamins like b12 that are almost only got from animal products?

So knowing that you are an expert in the field of oobe/trance i was wondering if you get any type of nutrition when "plugging in" conciously or unconciously. What i mean by plugging in is when your body is asleep and mind awake and you are doing some sort of oobe or trance.

Im also curious to know if its possible to access more information about physical food e.g. if its possible to sustain human life solely on fruits, nutritional value of food, food you eat everyday that you should avoid and so on. I've done a little research on the internet about it but i feel there is something vital missing. Maybe its not the food itself but some other factor I am not aware of. My goal is to stay healthy, both physically and spiritually.

I understand that you are maybe not a nutritional specialist but maybe you can answer from your experiences with oobe, that is what I hope.

With thanks