Hello Robert ,

I've recently got back into energy raising and OOB inducement after a 3 year stint.
My question is this -

If im raising energy, say for about 30 minutes and feel a strong pulse and storage of energy has been accumulated,
if I then attempt an OOB (by say, using ROPE) and fail in projecting, am I technically wasting all that storage energy, or am I actually 'grabbing' more energy during the process?

I guess what im saying is, if I fail a projection, should I re-store the energy in another 30 min session to get it back?

I also know its a bit cheeky asking another question, but it sort of ties in!!

How often do you feel energy SHOULD be raised in order to get a good strong growth in your energybody. I do about one 30 minute session per day, plus many quick storage raising on way to work, etc.
Is this safe?

Thankyou for your time!!!
