Hello Robert!,

I have a few questions I have been trying to figure out, but have not had any success.

1. I've been told that because I have seen a lot of crap in my life (military,war) and probably past lives as well, that my third eye is closed off for my protection. When I meditate or practice NEW, I feel strong sensations in the third eye area. I've been practicing for over a year now. I have had numerous OBEs and my RTZ/Astral sight is very clear. Any thoughts on why I haven't been able to see lights, auras, or anything via third eye yet, in meditation or in a waking state? (I do feel energy quite well).

2. I read your story about your physical abduction in the 80s and a few years after that as well. Any luck finding an answer in the Akashic Records?

Thank you very much,