I'd like to post another dream which has stuck in my mind for years as it had a very physical effect (a huge headache) for over a day.

I was some sort of spiritual assassin and I had to go into an 'amoury' to make sure I was fully protected before I went on my mission. This amoury had gothic style windows high up and the top bits folded down to let in the air. There were all sorts of weapons and amour on the walls, but my armour was..... wait for it...... a twin set and pearls! This apparently allowed us (the other assassins) to move undetected to our target areas.

Anyway the dream then shifted to a glass building where i was told my target and where i could find 'her'. I was told I had to go to Brighton. I have no idea why it should have been Brighton. Its a small seaside town in England. I later learnt that Alistair Crowley was buried there apparently.

The dream then moved to a green field with hedges round and I met a man dressed in a monk's brown habit at an altar (not christian). He told me I had missed her and that I had to go to a different time shift period.

I was then in a place that looked a bit like my local shopping centre but also a bit like a Roman forum with an open centre area and corridors going off at the sides. There was another altar and this time my target was there. I had an atheme in my hands and I 'killed' her. I was kneeling down on the ground and remember looking up and seeing another assassins knees in my line of sight. I could see the 'blood' on my hands.

I had the worst headache I've ever had for a day after this. Any suggestions? Was I time travelling? It was a really disturbing dream as I'm not a really violent person and to dream I'd killed someone was really unpleasant.