Quote Originally Posted by Timotheus
i rather think that telepathy isn't learned at all. one merely wakes up to the fact that it is always in effect.
Hi Tim,

That may be so however I think differently. I am in the process of teaching it to those who have the appropriate motivation.

most thoughts or streams of thought may seem original to the unawares. but, in reality, by one's own resonance (vibratory emission) thoughts and streams of thoughts are attracted to the thinker.

the point of telepathy isn't so much to be able to read other's thoughts, but to be able to recognize your own in amongst the bombardment of incoming like vibration.
I would agree, most of us are not mindful of our thoughts. Which ones come from advertising, which ones from those around us, and which ones are authentically ours. The ones that are ours may also come from a high vibrtional understannding for from a sourse of distress and anger.

truthfully, when one is awakened one need not read the secret thoughts of others, nor would they want to out of respect for their own personal privacy. for, upon other's own spoken or written disclosure of thought everything secret is known, though hidden to them between their lines.

conduct discloses true character. all have negative thoughts they keep secret, yet it is their character that keeps them from expression of bad qualities. we all fall short of the mark i reckon.

I use telepathy as another form of communcation. I am not interested in knowing what another does not wish to share with me. The few examples where this is allowed to happen is when a person's Divine subconscious sends me information that is involved in that person's highest good. It is done for a reason and not to provide dis-respect for that person's personal privacy.
