
Here are a couple of short dreams involving a black void. Does this symbolize something or is it a place we visit in transition?

The first dream began abruptly in the middle of another dream. I was suddenly floating in this black void, I could see nothing and was wondering to myself where I was. I turned and turned trying to find something when I see a distant point of light. I begin flying towards the light and realize I am over a body of water. I can see the light reflecting off of the ripples in the water and can smell the dampness in the air. I can see I’m nearing a shoreline and that the light is a large bonfire. The area is sandy with large megalithic rocks in a large circle. There are three men sitting around the fire talking but I can’t make out what they are saying. I float in behind one of the men to hear what they are saying when he suddenly raises his hand and stops the conversation. He then turns and looks right at me and says he is here. I was shocked and then felt this incredible rush of speed and awoke from the dream.

The second started out very similar to the last. Once again in this black void, wondering what now? I again see a point of light but this time it is moving towards me. It started out like a flickering candle flame but grew larger and larger. As it grew closer I could make out a shape, it was a phoenix! I was in awe of its beauty, the colors where so vivid, movement so graceful. It spread its wings and landed on an invisible perch in front of me. It sat there and stared at me for what seemed like minutes. I then asked it what it wanted and it said “it is time”. I replied “time for what” and it replied “time to find a new son (or sun, not sure which)”. It then turned and flew away as it had come. I remember feeling like I had just lost a loved one. This bothered me for weeks and I still wonder if this was really the end of something or just a dream.