I've been trying this creative visualization stuff for two years now. Nothing is working, despite the fact that I believe in it. I'm at my wits end.

I really wanted to get into this art publication, the largest art publication in the US, the most important art publication in the US. I've been wanting to get into that publication for several years now. This year, I finally found an opportunity to enter. I visualized my prized painting as the cover. It got my heart pumping.

Not only I'm I not the cover, I'm not even in the book. It pisses me off. I still look at my painting angry, because I feel I was jipped. It was supposed to be the cover.

There was the other time in a dream I was told I would get a job as vet. receptionist. The next morning I was so excited when I found there was an opening. I believed it to be fate. I believed the job was mine. For months I had been searching what was the right job for me. This finally felt right. I applied. Nothing happened. Tried again at some other place. Nothing. Tried again. Nothing.

I'm putting my heart and soul into these things, but now I feel like the Universe doesn't give a damn


It's not a good place to be, and counter productive for creative visualization.

Please tell me your stories with creative visualization/law of attraction. I need to know! I really need to know! I need to know your success and not so successful stories.