I have mentioned this before, and it seems to be happening more and more to me. I'll be in the middle of a dream, and suddenly in it, I'll get sleepy. A few things can happen from then on- I will either get 'dream paralysis', where I'm conscious of what's happening in the dream but I can't move my dream body, I'm paralyzed. This isn't distressing, because I perceive as if I were 'seeing through my eyelids' in the dream, and people around me continue their actions around me as if I were just witnessing the dream. There's no anxiety or fear, just annoyance at my inability to stay active in it.
Other times the 'slumber time' will pass, and I'll get up in the dream and continue to be active in it, and other times (the weirdest for me) is that I'll get very tired in it, go to sleep in the dream scenario (like before) but actually go into a 'dreamless' sleep in the dream, and then become conscious in it, and continue.
At times it's like I'm so physically tired that I can barely move and have to stop the 'dream action' and simply take a nap, right in the middle of the action.
Any ideas as to why this is happening, more and more?
Lately I feel as if I'm dreaming I'm sleeping, and this just feels pointless, really.