It is not always some ghosts, aliens or whatnots which disturb ones peace. Sometimes it is a living human astral traveler.

Let me give some examples.
There was a guy coming to my door, who wanted to just have a fight with me, as he wanted to be the best astral fighter and beat everyone else. I tried all kinds of strategies and finally found a way to convince him to stay away
And then just yesterday there were eyeballs popping up all over my place. People trying to intrude my home by projecting their vision. Even after I did ask them to stop disturbing me, my family and animals, they did keep on "sending eyeballs". Finally they even came to my yard and attacked our guard dog. I had a talk with them and hope they will now respect our privacy. But what should I do, if they keep coming?

Just today I got a good hint from a friendly earth elemental (in my experience all elementals are friendly), what usually works for him. So I might try that next time

Eager to hear any suggestions/experiences you might have.