Quote Originally Posted by Painterhypnogirl
So, if abstinence from sex gives you more paranormal abilities, then I must be SUPER PSYCHIC GIRL , since I, according to this thread, shouldn't have had any "energy". (I need a new avatar, hehehe, a female as a super action hero in a Druid outfit or something )
Why would one not have any energy as a result of sex? it is more a case of releasing some energy and how it might be used by self or otherwise. The benefits of afterglow in a psychic sense are well known and indeed experienced and pursued by many. The thread discusses energy release or leakage as a simple consequence of masturbation and as others have said this is also applicable to other activities. Magicians have used sex both solitary and otherwise as a method for powering magical acts probably for ever.
Now you can see why.

Quote Originally Posted by Matthew
In my experience, sex with another person releases energy throughout the body while draining it from the sexual chakra. The extra energy flowing through her energy body helped PHG with her projection. Masturbation for some reason does not seem to release the energy as widely over the energy body and is seen by most people as a drain.
This is a fairly common observation and in itself interesting. There is a difference and having a partner modulates the flow. I recall a past frequent poster by the handle of boydster at AP and GOM discussing this in detail and how energy flows differ. Hm. a research project.