Greetings One & All
This is an "Exit Poll' and yes, I know, an exit poll is something that tv stations do on election day to predict winners. However this is a different kind of exit poll. This is about your ability to separate your astral/ethereal body and EXIT your physical body. (Exit Poll, get it. LOL)
What I am looking for here is the total number of OBEs that you can recall. This can be broken down roughly as follows.
a) Never had an OBE.
b) Have had between 1 to 10 OBEs.
c) Have had 11 to 25 OBEs.
d) Have had 26 to 50 OBEs.
e) have had 51 to 100 OBEs.
f) Have had between 100 to 500 OBEs.
g) Have had more than 500 OBEs. If so please estimate an approximate number.

Question 2 When was your first conscious OBE or AP?
a) As a child of 12 or younger.
b) At high school age of 13 to 17.
c) When between 18 to 23 years of age.
d) When between 25 to 40 years old.
e) When over 40. Again please specify an age.

I am going to post this poll in several different websites so if you see this poll in another website please do NOT respond more than once.
Your participation in this poll will help me finish the "Informal OBE Survey" (to be found both at and There will be one or two (or 3) more polls to follow.
When all the responses are tabulated the complete results of the OBE survey will be posted here at viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16173
Thanx to all who respond.
btw I may email or pm some of you who I consider to be particularly skilled at OBEs.