Most of my erstwhile work with K has been focused on more or less direct activation and arousal , this working has gone about with the premise that as the Kundalini Force ignites it jolts your nervous and energetic systems to hyperactive mode and so manifesting a sundry of phenomena and symptoms ultimately culminating into accelerated evolution.
It's safe to assume in this point of time that I have experienced bouts of intense paranic activity and K-force spikes.
I have mostly focused on the sacral plexus and muladhara wherein the K-force is said to be ensconced dormantly (hammer banging where it counts).
Lately i've been of the thinking that If kundalini is the source/fuel of bioenergetic/spiritual energy then one can hypothesize the chakras to be the wheels in the automobile of your person ,driving you towards self-achievement and spiritual growth.
Most of the time people fall into the assumption that as the Kundalini Ignites and rises it automatically activates and unleashes chakric forces.
You can have a tankfull of fuel but if your wheels are stuck and nonfunctional not much is going to happen.I suspect this phenomenon also comes into play when things go awry for people undergoing Kundalini-Uprising while their chakras are blocked.

The aforementioned hypothetical is giving me reason to shift lanes and change modus oprendi . I'm working now on tapping into the Kundalini-reservoir and then channeling the energy to awaken Ajna-chakra (ajna foremost because as it opens , it causes muladhara to awaken as well in "paired awakening" , muladhara/sacral/coccygeal plexus - wherein lies stowed the Serpent itself).

If means and motive are aligned and the K-force is harvested to tasking that which it would have done anyway then i suspect this will prove to be a fruitfull undertaking.Herein lies the query though, many people have successfully awakened chakras - but not all of them experienced the Serpent-Rising.
This begs the question.....what gives