Hi everyone
I want to tell my story in regards to the Law of Attraction [LOA]

I have been thinking about this subject for the best part of 30 years with limited success,then a friend told me I should buy a copy of "Excuse me your life is waiting" by Lyn Grabhorn" about 4 years ago,and i've been hooked ever since!
Being a skeptical kind of guy I always look for anything to be scientifically provable and have never wanted to subscribe to belief systems of any kind as I see it as a human flaw to slide into a belief system about many areas in life.
Anyway,how could I turn what was so far a belief into a knowledge?
I think that it's important to make a strong distinction here between belief and knowing. As they are two totally different things.

So to cut a long story short I was having a conversation one night with one of the Sydney LOA group members and we agreed to go and find a balloon of all things,but it had to be a blue one and it had to be souvenirable.
So I decided to imagine [with emotion] finding one.

It took a few weeks to find the first one and then over the next couple of monthsI found a total of 4
The amazing part was that I didn't find any other colours and I was keeping a keen eye out for them,the funnyest one was when I was coming out of the Abraham-Hicks seminar and there it was right outside the door bouncing around all on it's own,another one was in the middle of a busy road and just as I got out of my car it bounced across to my side and landed right at my feet!

Alot of people just don't get the point of what I say about the balloons,they think everything has to be serious and have a value,such as attracting money or an ideal mate,but the point is I think that we all have our training wheels on with this [LOA] and we shouldn't let our egos get ahead of us, we still have sooo much to learn about LOA.

Anyway I thought well that was fairly easy why not try money [as in cash notes]
So again I spent a few weeks imagining finding money [just imagining grabing it with emotion,rather than focusing on where and when]
After a few weeks I found a $20 note in some grass in my street where I live,this was a big deal as I had not found money for about 20 years on the street,or anywhere else for that matter.
The main point about all these finds is that I am never actually looking for it when I find it,whatever i'm focused on,the work is done internally rather than externally.
A few more weeks went past and I found another $20 note, this time it was 2 metres down in the ocean as I was swimming at my favourite beach here in Sydney. [Just as well Australian money in plastic]

So I thought this is fun,why not make it even harder [of course "Harder" is only a term we apply to how much we agree that the physical universe is the only reality]

This time I decided to find a playing card,but it had to be a Four of Hearts!
So again several weeks went past [again I spent a good deal of time visualising finding it.]
Then one day I was walking down a street and there it was, face up in some dirt with some grass seedlings starting to poke their way through this four of hearts!
This for me was the final validation,I stood there stunned for a minute or two,thinking that there must be some kind of trick at work.

I encourage everyone I meet with an interest in LOA to do the same and so far there have been 5 different people that have found a playing card that I nominated for them by giving them one out of a pack that I have.

So it's not just me,
So there's your challenge,pick a card out of a pack that you have right now and then focus on it with emotion,the same emotion of delight that you will have when you really find it.

Of course the favourite argument of the skeptic is "Oh well you were just noticing those kind of things more so that's the only reason it happened"
I think this argument is totally negated now as I didn't find any other cards,just the one I focused on.Also I went 20 years without finding cash notes then found 2 in quick succession,plus I found no other balloons,just blue ones.

On a negative note,since doing all this about a year and a half ago I have tried to find another card and more cash notes but without success.
This has baffled me except to say that when I first tried it,it was fresh new exciting energy, a bit like going to a foreign country for the first time or your first day at school and it's hard to pretend that all over again,like if I asked you to re-do high school how would you feel? it would be very different wouldn't it to when it really happened,anyway I persevere.

I now focus on having $20 million dollars,that's my goal.

Let me know when you find that card.
