Hmm interesting..?
Dead timeline. That's right. Because you searched too far into my dead past ^_^. What is this bull♥♥♥♥? Why?
Hmm interesting..?
Dead timeline. That's right. Because you searched too far into my dead past ^_^. What is this bull♥♥♥♥? Why?
Last edited by xChris12; 4th April 2015 at 05:24 PM. Reason: Because I'm definitely enjoying this.
Hello, xChris12.
Muscle twitches in your legs are signs of energy blocks in the legs. During trance and the pre-OBE state the energy circulation in the energy body picks up. When this increased energy flow runs up against blocks, it triggers spasms, sensations (for example irritation) and so on.
Moving into a trance can often be accompanied by a feeling of being slightly numb to the body, like covered in warm fluff, and/or a drifting sensation. This is a typical state right before falling asleep or before fully waking up that might prove more helpful for you. It occurs naturally and is very closely related to the mind awake/body asleep state so often sought when practicing for OBE.
As for what you can actively do, besides regular energy work, it would surely be helpful to do some regular trance training. For example with Robert's methods, but I also found HemiSync and training to get into "Focus 10" very helpful in this regard.
It's not possible to tell how long it will take till you see results. Surely, the twitches already indicate heightened energy flow, and the swaying could indicate that a suitable trance could not be too far off.
Can you tell us what techniques do you use, describe your exit attempt?
This can be considered an exit sensation- 'go' with the swaying and you may find yourself being flung away from your body.Also sometimes I also feel slighty like I am swaying back and forth.
As Korpo already said, this can be because of energy blocks, but it can also be the normal twitching people get when they are falling asleep. If it is a problem it would indicate that you are too focused on body sensations- try to focus in what you see and hear instead of what you feel in your body.Does anyone have any experience or advice for this issues? I also have random muscle twitches in my legs
"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.
You don't have to clear your mind of thoughts, just verbal thoughts. Try doing breathing exercises to occupy your mind until you are very very relaxed, and if you still find yourself distracted, do some trance exercises or some other type of meditation (mantras, whatever you like) to keep you distracted. If you have a song stuck in your head that doesn't remind you of something that happened the last time you heard it, then it's ok to just listen to it, but if it does remind you of something then try the mantra or the trick of listening of your earhiss- this will also keep you focused on observing/listening and may distract you from body sensations.
"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Focus 10: http://www.explorations-in-conscious...m/focus10.html
A mantra is a sound, syllable or set of syllables or words you repeat over and over, either out loud or in your mind. They can mean something, there are many that have sacred meaning. Repeating a mantra is a yoga technique to train and keep the mind focussed on something without distraction. It's both practiced in Hindu and Buddhist Yoga traditions. "Om" or "A-umm" is supposed to be such a sacred sound.
This should explain what a mantra is, but for our purposes, a mantra is any word or sound that you repeat over and over that has no association with anything relating to your normal life which keeps your attention 'busy'. Using 'classic' Hindu Mantras (such as Om Mani Padme Om or Sat Nam, for example) is helpful because not being Indian, you don't have to associate them with anything, although the original intent for these words were otherwise (as the Wiki article will tell you.)
Some people project on their sides, I don't like to, I tend to bilocate when I do this due to comfort issues.
Just remember that part of the trick with projection is to be comfortable enough to go into a deep trance, but not so comfortable that you pass out.
For example, I sleep on my sides, but I project on a very comfortable recliner.
"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.
I already answered this: If the music doesn't cause you to remember stuff from your life (i.e. associations) then it's perfectly ok
"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Sometimes one is trying too hard. Trying to remember the steps, the sequence; wondering if you're doing it right.
Don't worry. Just relax. Let yourself sink into the bed or chair. Notice your breathing, but don't dwell on it. Lie quietly and just breathe and sink down--down--down, if your mind wanders, let it, just keep breathing in and out--the trance will come sooner or later--if not today, maybe tomorrow--don't worry.
Sure- If things stop and you think it's over, get up and walk around- do not roll over and go to sleep. You may find that it all stopped because you already transitioned into the nonphysical but haven't moved away yet.
So getting up and walking around is a way to test this.
"Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.