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Thread: Elementals again? Human form.

  1. #1

    Elementals again? Human form.

    I can't remember too much detail, but i was in a house with 3 women. They looked very similar to each other, like Sisters, but not.
    I had to keep them all happy, sharing my attention between them equally.
    When i felt satisfied that they each had enough attention to satisfy them, i went to bed, to try to sleep.
    As i lay trying to sleep, one of them came in and told me she was going to bed... she invited me to join her, so i did...

    Upon waking i felt these were the 3 elementals again, tho usually they appear to me as tigers or lions. Tho thinking about that, last week i had a dream about 3 cats, one of which was behaving erratically. I had to keep calm using reiki to soothe it and get it to sleep..
    "We are spirits in the material world" Sting. The Police.

  2. #2
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    Re: Elementals again? Human form.

    Sounds totemic in nature. And the number three is also significant, I think.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Elementals again? Human form.

    i'm inclined to agree , this could have atavistic/totemic significance (bring you closer to your leonine nature?)

    also if one is to implicate feline nuances - lions dont hunt ,i.e to say the female of the species is relegated to prowl in pride (as opposed to doing so in a pack) that is for politicalcorrection in numerical subgrouping either way.

  4. #4
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    Re: Elementals again? Human form.

    Hello, Neil.

    All the elementals have needs. And they also need maintenance/attention (like the reiki you gave, too). Tending to all of them without preference is a good sign of a balanced lifestyle. The similarities are enough to tell that they are all symbolic for the same kind of "thing" without being identical in nature. The more alike they look the better, that can express alignment. The house would also be an indicator of all of this relating to aspects of your self.


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