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Thread: Astral Body Spinning?

  1. #1
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    Astral Body Spinning?

    Has anyone here experienced the spinning sensation just before AP'ing/OBE'ing? Where your astral body spins? I think its part of a technique used to OBE where you try to feel your astral body and spin yourself around to get out of your physical body. I'm sure someone here knows what I'm talking about.

    Well to get to my point, I lay down on my bed last night to go to sleep and within a few minutes I felt that strange spinning sensation. I decided to focus on it and make it spin faster and stronger. I managed to get the speed up very fast and I was spinning so fast that I was afraid of what might happen if I continued doing it, I was afraid my physical body might fail or something bad might happen because I was no way near ready to sleep. My mind was still very active and my body not ready for sleep at all. It was like being fully awake with a strong spin going on.

    I'm curious as to what this actually is? is it like I say just your astral body spinning? what would happen if I continued to spin faster and faster while fully conscious and not ready for sleep? Would really like some more info on this!

  2. #2
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    Re: Astral Body Spinning?

    I've used spinning as an exit technique, and it didn't work for me, it just made me nauseous, and I had a helluva time trying to stop. It still makes me gag to think about it.
    I have felt spinning as an exit sensation, and even though it has not produced an exit, the few times it has happened spontaneously before going to sleep I have had a projection later on. I think it's an indication of the energy body being dislocated already, or something like that.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    Re: Astral Body Spinning?

    Sometimes I have it where when I'm attempting, it feels as though I'm doing continuous frontflips/backflips which made it easier to go deeper into a trance and forget about the physical for awhile until that feeling goes away, but i try to make this feeling last as long as possible.

    Also, I've heard once that if you suddenly find yourself in a lucid dream or OBE, a good way to make it last longer is to start spinning around. I'm not sure if this actually works for everyone, but I've found it successful in deepening myself into trance.
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  4. #4
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    Re: Astral Body Spinning?

    Thanks for the replies.

    I think it probably is my astral body spinning, its very much like you say doing backflips, frontflips and sideflips all at the same time. I get this gyroscopic feeling like I'm spinning left but at the same time spinning right.

    I was just curious if by charging up the spin effect could lead to awakening/manifesting the light body in reality. I often find that when I get this feeling before sleep I'm pretty much guarenteed to have a LD/AP that night. I find it to be a very nice sensation.

  5. #5
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    Re: Astral Body Spinning?

    Hello, Eonnn.

    I had the sensation of spinning energy bodies before. It can be very disorienting, but it's a good way to detect that you've transferred focus to another body. I also agree with CF, and can at times be unpleasant. Didn't recur enough to do anything with it.

    What is a light body?

  6. #6

    Re: Astral Body Spinning?

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I've used spinning as an exit technique, and it didn't work for me, it just made me nauseous, and I had a helluva time trying to stop. It still makes me gag to think about it.
    on the same front ,i have to add that someone i know with Ménière's Disease who said pretty much the same thing as the OP - pre-ejection, at that too, i mean spinning/acrobatics doesn't sound too appealing for exit (but if its happening - oh well , cant be helped.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    What is a light body?
    Quote Originally Posted by Eonnn View Post
    I was just curious if by charging up the spin effect could lead to awakening/manifesting the light body in reality.
    i'm afraid at the risk of me not understanding (appologies) -you'll just have to humor me ; what was it that you were spinning and what body would you like to do so with in reality?

    Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo ("BPPV)" - It is typically described as a brief, intense sensation of spinning that occurs when there are changes in the position of the head with respect to gravity. An individual may experience BPPV when rolling over to the left or right, upon getting out of bed in the morning, or when looking up for an object on a high shelf.
    Last edited by psionickx; 15th July 2011 at 09:59 PM. Reason: addendum ;PostScript.

  7. #7

    Re: Astral Body Spinning?

    I get the spinning just about everytime. It seems to be a pre-cursor for me.
    The only method i've read about so far of that uses spinning as a method is the merkaba. I can't get that to work though.
    You haveeyes each composed of 130 million photoreceptor cells. In each of those cells there’s 100 trillion atoms that’s more than all the stars in the Milky way galaxy.However each atom in each cell in each eye formed in the core of a star billions of years ago and yet here they are today being utilized to capture the energy released from that same process all to expand the consciousness of you. It's ironic in that you are the universe experiencing itself And all you are is a thought.

  8. #8

    Re: Astral Body Spinning?

    Although I never experienced it, it probably it is not rare, because I think that you can see in this book, in the page 15. If it is a book to beginners, it is probably commom.
    You probably can not read it, but it is a book about astral projection by a Brazilian author, and it has several drawings to show the several things that happen when we are projecting.
    You can download it here: Espiritual II - A Projeção da Consciência (Wagner Borges).pdf

    I perceived that one of moderators edited the post before, probably because the forum can have some precautions against writer's rights violation. I think that this is not the case, because the writer himself put his book available to anyone in his website: 3Aviagem-espiritual-ii&catid=86%3Alivros-online&Itemid=115

    However, in the author website you need look page by page only. In your case, that don’t read Portuguese, it is better in pdf, so you can skip all pages without drawings.

    Warning: This book is a little different form other about the subject because the amount of illustrations and because the context of projection as a way to work spiritually, or what some call “assistance work”. So, maybe some of you think a little strange see another beings in the drawings working together with the projector is healing or psychic self defense (not exactly this, but it seem so when you see some pictures). I never read about this association in not-brazilian authors, so, I suppose that it is a regional characteristic. The most of people that I know that are projectors tell the same situations and we always think why international authors never mentioned this kind of experience. This author, Wagner Borges, wrote the book exactly to fill this blank, however, I think that foreign readers can think it strange.
    Last edited by sandrofabres; 17th July 2011 at 08:39 PM. Reason: WRONG LINK

  9. #9
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    Re: Astral Body Spinning?

    Thanks for the picture you linked. I'm not too sure what it is really which is why I came here to ask. But I would say its one of the two: astral body spinning or spinning merkabah.

    I haven't ever experienced it as unpleasant, It feels pretty pleasant actually. I always seem to have an AP or lucid dream the night it happens, and usually it happens during meditation. However, this time in particular happened within 5 minutes of lying on the bed still wide awake but with eyes closed. Its also the same feeling I get when using the LD technique known as WILD or the OBE technique similar to WILD where you spin your astral body in circles faster and faster.

    Light body as far as I'm aware is your spirit body, or rather a higher vibrational body. I guess you could say its like the astral body, but manifesting the light body in reality transfers yourself and your consciousness into pure light energy form. There are apparently many bodies e.g the physical, spiritual, astral, mental, emotional and perhaps some others. I would say the light body is different to the astral as its more mind/dream related, whereas the spiritual or light body is purely soul-essence related.

  10. Re: Astral Body Spinning?

    Starting from a couple of weeks ago, I could start a falling sensation (instead of spinning) as soon as I lie down in the bed, just like you, I am very conscious and far from falling asleep. I can make myself fall faster and faster but eventually it stops. So I guess one of the results of "keep spinning" would be that the spinning would eventually stop if the trance is not deep enough.

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