I had a series of dreams which finished on the beginning of a recurring theme- my father.
In this dream he had come to tell me he was going to die soon. I asked him how come he was going to die for a second time, since he came back after being dead for two years. He looked confused and told me he didn't remember having died before, and I told him how it had been- he died, was gone for two (in waking reality three) years, and came back. No one asked him about it, but he was dead for quite a long time before coming back, and he didn't talk about it either. He said he didn't remember.
Then in the end of the dream, he turned into an old man and someone else told me that it wasn't 'really' him.
Now I was in some sort of a marketplace and I was looking at a list of people who were supposed to be in some sort of organization, or of some sort of privilege. I realized I knew some of these people, and my cousin was in the list too.
I decided to not join the organization because I could get the 'magazines' for free, since I knew so many of the participants.