Quote Originally Posted by Volgerle View Post
So to get it right: You say that every chakra functions on every level/body (differently) and so, if we consider this to be a progression, I might have done on this specific instance a training on the 2nd (=mental - or 3rd if we count in the etheric body before the astral) body - and there been working on sub-level 1-3 (counting the chakras as usual from the base up)?

Quote Originally Posted by Volgerle View Post
How about the many experiences when I finally saw the helper ("Blue Monk", Gálaca aka Ludmilla)? Did I 'switch on chakra(s) 4,5,6,7 then on the Mental Body? And does that mean that the discarnate helpers / guides themselves generally operate on the Mental (body) Level?

This would be the logical mechanism if we consider retrievals involving retrievees who are solely 'boxed in' on their Astral level (thought-form / dream / Focus23 or whatever) and the incarnated retriever acting as the 'intermediary' who is able to operate on the Astral level to contact them and has the task to get them out there by making them "aware" of the Mental-level discarnate helper who can 'take over' then. So you (as incarnated helper) aid in 'pushing' them onto a higher mental level (and above) for them to 'go home'?
Don't overthink it.

I can't say spontaneously what body your earlier experiences were in. The notion of the chakras can be helpful if there are clear clues for them present as in the simulation experience.

Quote Originally Posted by Volgerle View Post
Hm, well, but I wonder a bit about the term 'simulation' here, as also in Kurt's terminology I thought it only refers to dream state lessons we take, but not lucid ones such as this one.
That seems to be your conclusion. I don't see any such distinction in Kurt's usage of the term.

Quote Originally Posted by Volgerle View Post
Also I thought, according to Kurt, a simulation is a learning situation which is guarded / maintained by so-called 'robots' of the larger consciousness system, instead of more autonomous and self-aware helper personalities (and I am now really convinced they are independent helpers even when I do not see them).
As far as I remember, a robot is one possibility but not the only one. Again, I'm not aware of Kurt using any such distinction.

The problem in trying to pigeon-hole experiences is the tendency to come up with more and more holes and lose the commonality of the experiences. Kurt cut the issue short for himself by inventing the term "adventure in consciousness" because trying to pigeon-hole experiences into astral projections, etheric/RTZ projections, non-lucid dreams, dreams, meditative visions, whatever, seemed to miss the point. They were all experiences happening to his consciousness, and dropping arbitrary distinctions can help detect commonalities that lead to deeper insight.

In my own AC journal I also record physical reality (waking? ) experiences when they seem to be of significance, including synchronicities, patterns in lessons I detect and many other things. By dropping the distinction I allowed myself to use the same tools for reading energy, patterns and symbols to work in my daily life, and this is where a good deal of the magic can happen, too.