Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #31
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    A word of caution:
    Even though I do know that some magicians tell you to allow some(one/thing) else to use your inner self (such as in channeling) I do not think it's necessary- try to have built-in defenses against this- mainly the knowledge that if someone needs to give you information they don't have to possess you- there are other ways.
    Please don't allow anything to ever possess you- even in dreams.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #32
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you CFT for your caution note, so you think this was to possess me??
    It did not felt like that for me...That something heavy did sink over me is this to be possessed??
    I do not channel or let anyone use my body, ever
    For me it was developing in right direction when be asked if he/she/it was allowed to enter my sphere, before they only did ente
    without asking, now at least I was asked....I have said that I do not want to be walked over that they should ask me and also
    say theire name, now I did forget to ask the name because I was so happy to be asked fore entering, I did feel very clearly
    this was benefiting me so I allowed and I feel this was the first step to start working on my fear.


  3. #33
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night dream was what I would call a possessed dream....It was like this...
    I was in a inviroment what was not naturally calm, it was fixed or made to look like a calm and like a secure zone...I could easy feel how all was playing secure and they did slowly coming closer to me...and like without making any fuss they like did movement´s like in slow-motion...and they look very friendly and nice in theire faces and started to put an machanical spider on my
    hand...(as they have in scionfiction films what they put in an eye to make people tell the truth and give information)...They wanted me to believe all is good and nothing to worry....I had such a hard work to avoid the mechanical it ended that I awoke my self and I was totally schreaming....I was sleeing at my son´s house and he was so freakend out and said I did awoke him and feeling totall terror....So this was for me an possessing dream.

  4. #34
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you CFT for your caution note, so you think this was to possess me??
    I don't know, it could be a self aspect, however, I think it's a good 'mental habit' to not allow anyone to, just in case. It keeps your mental barriers up.

    As to your possessing dream, it could have been a result of what I said, but it never hurts to be cautious, without being too suspicious.
    Aunt Clair uses a phrase to describe what I'm talking about- "Open in Protection". Always receptive to good, never allowing intrusion. So it's the advice that I consider the best- a balanced approach.

    ps. I always find it helpful to understand that I am always safe and protected, and no manner of appearance of nonphysical entities can hurt, because of this, and so far, so good.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #35
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you again CFT for your reminder, it is never too many time´s said...and yes I believe this last night dream was to show the difference and I do believe it is my higher self showing me this....but as you be causion and never allowing intrusion, and to keep a balanced approach...I am too trusing like a child who never have yet met any danger and therefore can not be or know to be causious....I appreachiate very much your kind reminder, thank you.


  6. #36
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I was in a pool with many other´s, it was like a maskerad pool-party...I was very near a man who was dressed as a women,and I did bump into him and I appologised but he did not believe me that it was an misfortune...he looked at me and he are not a women...oh yes I am I said...I asked him how tall is he....and he said...1.75 cm....when we got up from the pool he was shorter then me and I am 1.66 cm??

    In this episode I was looking when 2 person´s was doing something I did or do understand what is the meaning, so please tell me if someone of you know what the meanin of this is...
    I saw they have wrapped in several layer´s of plastic and the shape was a bunny....they did put it through the mouth of a cow
    and pushed it into the cow´s stomach...and then back up??...and the wrapped one was a child...and it did survive this strange ritual...The cow was also alive.

    I am in chock today.

  7. #37
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I would say they were showing transmigration, how the soul can go through phases of development until you get to human. Anyway, that's what I would interpret. A very symbolic-conceptual- mental projection, and the pool makes me think of a womb.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #38
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    WOW...CFT...Thank´ are good.
    The pool dream is about my birth....My mother did not believe I was born girl...she was so sure during whole preagnancy that she was carrying a boy...and when I was born she said to the are must be a boy..

    And yes I can buy the other dream of transmigration....I feel one of my goals in this incarnation was to understand how it is to become human...Thank you for your input.
    The chock must be that I actually did get to know the whole process even when I did feel it in this dream it did chock me totally.

  9. #39
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night in my dream I was sleeping in my bed and awakened when a fluffy transparant cotton boll was floating in the air, I tried to understand what it was, if it was a threat or what??..Did not understand...the fluffy thing float´s into my right arm...I am now worried and thinking if it is a I start to spit on my arm....and trying to go up from my bed...but I am dizzy and everything is leaning so I have a big trubble to get up...then my grand-child A come´s in and I say to her...take my hand and pull me up...she does it and I am on my feet´s now....I am surprised that my grand-child do not see that it is leaning and I have trouble to go I say to her to push me from my back...and then I ask her to bring me salt...she goes away but does come back and say..she does not dare to ask for then I decide to go down staires...I am not sure where I am...when coming down staires I see I am at my father´s house...I ask for salt...and he point´s to the bench and I take it and go to the water tap´s...he is not wise to talk about salt...I do not care he do not know and does not believe if I told...I wash my arm´s and hand´s with salt...(I am happy to remember in my dream´s about RB´s advises)...I ask my father if it is monday or sunday...he was not sure so he had to see in the calender......It is monday....LOL ...-))

    Please if anyone know´s what that fluffy white cotton transparant boll is, please tell me.

  10. #40
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did witness 2 intitiating ritual´s one for a unknown man and one for my brother...The initiating ritual for my brother was I watching it from distant floating in the air....and the initiating ritual for the unknown older man I was witnessing it from very near...I did puch me into the crowd to get near to see what he was doing..He was half bend in his back...holding his knees with his hand´s and making faces to a low placed entrance...I followed him down to cellar where he took a boat and went into the sea and serching for someting in the water...he fished up something looking like a bird´s nest and now it was he find the egg...He is dissapointed...the egg was not there??

    In this seekvence I am driving a car and see something outside and I park the car near the sideway....when I get out of the car
    to look at something, the car started to roll downward´s....I try to get into the car from the passanger door but it is locked...and now I got man does see the situation and opens the drivers door and get inside the car to stop it to roll into the is this about...??...That I am not in controll of my body??..Please give me your thought´s and input.


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