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Thread: CF's dream diary

  1. #421
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    Re: My dream diary

    This morning I woke up early, propped myself up in pillows and went to sleep.
    I was back in my old school (the graduate school, not the university) and I was visiting the dorms I stayed in when in dreams (not IRL, they don't let you in the dorms when in graduate school)- so it's a recurring place in a way. After doing whatever I was supposed to do there (which is not clear, I remember going in rooms talking to people and getting something, or fixing something) then I found myself in a different place, with a person I haven't had anything to do with in years. Our relationship is not friendly now, but in the dream I felt love for her, and she expressed love for me. There was a hospital setting, but we were there doing some sort of 'other job' and she gave me a name which ATM I don't remember.
    I told my husband, who picked me up in a flying chair and we flew back home. During the flight I felt the usual fear of falling I have in nonlucid dreams and we landed safely, and on time too (3:30 pm).
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  2. #422
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    Re: My dream diary

    Last night was very chaotic. I had a couple of small projections and wild dreams about spirits in the house. At one time the phone rang at three in the morning. I was also seeing things in the dark when I awoke. There was nothing specific, yet lots of activity all night long. I'm strangely energetic, should be exhausted.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #423
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    Re: Snakes and more snakes

    After a night of traveling (I didn't post it on the OBE forum because I never landed anywhere, my cat kept jumping on my legs and waking me) So I slept most of the night. I woke up briefly, and went back to sleep in the morning, where I dreamed I was laying on a bed of snakes. It started with feeling like there was a snake on my face, when I 'opened my eyes' I could see one of these large corn snakes- a huge one partially obscuring my vision. I moved it and wondered why there was a snake in my bed; I then turned and saw there were many snakes, of all sizes and types, and the ones that worried me were the little ones, especially when I noticed some of them were the banded poisonous ones (coral snakes or water mocassins, I couldn't tell, they were so small) and the tiny rattlers made me nervous. Then my cats jumped on the bed and started attacking the snakes, who then bit me and I started to wonder if the rattlers or the w.m. bit me when I woke up, my kitty peacefully and innocently sleeping right besides my feet. So I got up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  4. #424
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    Re: Snakes and more snakes

    Two dreams, both significant to things that have been happening with my practices.
    The first one started as usual- I'm in the dream, when suddenly I'm swept off my feet by an invisible force, and the other dream characters say that I'm being attacked by a demon. I feel fear and try to see what is happening with this. Some sort of entity manifests and threatens with taking me with it. It is this demon made now visible. After some time with this feeling the demon transforms into a young man, who tells me that he is an aspect who died as a result of a hate crime, because he was gay in life. I feel bad for him and realize this is not a demon but a fearful aspect of myself, probably a past life.
    I then had a second dream that also uncovered a past life issue. I have forgotten it because it was the one I was having in the morning when I woke up, and for some reason those I forget the most. I do remember having the feeling of having uncovered a great puzzle. Maybe it'll come back to me later in the day, as it sometimes happens.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #425
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    Re: My dream diary

    I feel this was a projection, but because I didn't remember the exit it's going on here.

    I woke up with the worst backache I have ever had- got up at 4:30 and stayed up until 5:30 trying to get comfortable, but didn't take anything for it- didn't want to be groggy all day today. I tried the recliner, energy work, energy raising, and nothing worked. Then I had this experience when I finally went back to bed and got into the fetal position.

    I arrived at some sort of school. It wasn't the same as the other schools I've been to, this had less people, and it was more museum like. I am welcomed by around three people and laid on a platform. A woman starts to kiss me but it is not sexual- her mouth was open and she was giving me something, like air. At that moment I start to see what look like mandalas. As she is doing this I become excited and start shouting (at the same time, it must have been an overlay experience or a 'loud ROTE') that I am finally having hypnagogics again, and as I tell them this the mandalas get bigger and more complicated, and then resolve into some sort of round pattern, similar to the 'flower of life' motif but more complicated, and very colorful.
    I am laying there with my mouth open staring at this thing and receiving whatever 'air' she is blowing into me.

    I don't know how long this took but I have no memory of what happened next, although I think more stuff happened. I do remember having a subordinate position to these beings, and that they were dressed in white or light colored 'science fictiony' looking clothes, but except the woman that kissed me (or whatever that was) the others seemed very human. I don't know what she was.

    And then the alarm woke me up, kind of.
    My backache is gone, but it was horrible.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #426
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    Re: My dream diary

    So, do you think she healed you?
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  7. #427
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    I don't know what she did, but the 'mandala' was rotating in different speeds as I was looking at it.
    I haven't felt better physically, but my outlook is better. You can see it reflected in this one I had this morning:

    I had gone to yet another version of my grandmother's/mother's house. This was a very large house with many rooms, and we were moving in (my family, but there were more of us than my actual biological family, or we were different somehow.) The house was already decorated in a very pleasing way but someone had added some things to it.
    I decided to take one room and somehow found myself in my underwear and very cold, and I realized I had not brought my own stuff in yet, and got confused trying to get to the exit, because it was in the middle of a very large section of bedrooms.
    As I was looking for the exit I saw a large room with old-fashioned library bookcases (the kind that come with a desk) and I looked and said "oh, we have a library" with a fake english accent. Then I thought my books would go nicely in it and woke up.

    I got up, did some stuff and went back to bed, and propped myself up with pillows, and went out fairly quickly again, and started to dream the following:
    I was in a room with my husband's deceased grandmother. There was a large mirror in it, and when we went inside we could see in the mirror behind our reflection, a group of monks in saffron robes, and some people dressed in regular clothes.
    She and I both had the robes on in the reflection (but not in the room) and we were both trying to figure out what this meant, when all of a sudden, in the mirror this man in a black suit and a thin cheesy mustache appeared and declared he was the devil and was going to crush us, and started manifesting some force coming at us. She started to freak out and a voice behind me (possibly hers) said "it's too much for you" and I said "I don't have to be the one to fight him, the trick is to let God work through me" and then I invoked God's power and felt this force behind me, like a funnel, enter me and pushed through me at the man, and then there was this huge flash, and suddenly I was alone in the room and there was no mirror.

    Then I was alone in the room getting ready to explain to someone what had happened, and my mother walked in and asked, and I started to tell her what happened. Then she made a scared face and I told her how I took care of the problem.
    Then I started to wake up, and wanted to go back into this but stayed on my bed in the 'in between' state for a long time, and finally got up.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  8. #428
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    Finally went swimming!

    If anyone has been reading my journal (for years, lol) they'll know that I've had a recurring theme of going to the beach and not being able to go swimming in it.
    I'm not sure if this has any significance, but I had a really wonderful 'breakthrough' in this theme.
    I go to the beach with my peeps as usual, and they all go in (as usual) and then I jump in and swim to the point that I pass everyone else and somehow I'm higher (as if the water went up like a mountain) than everyone and further out. I can see the 'house' from the water, and a wave comes in, so I ride this wave on my feet (no board, just feet) and go in between these large boulders that flank the beach, and I ride it all the way to the shore right in front of the house.
    I miraculously land on my feet (I was worried about the landing when I was riding towards the shore) and see my grandmother, younger than I've ever seen her (but still recognizable, she has that familiar twinkle in her eye) sitting in a bar on the outside of the house (the bar was something like an open window on the outside of the house with a counter where the sill would be, the inside has a kitchen, and people are also inside.
    I say hi to her and ask her where everyone is, and she tells me everyone's inside. The house is lit up and it's night outside. My mom is somewhere in there too, but I can't place where she was.
    Even though I went in the water in the daytime, by the time I rode in it was nighttime, but all lit up.
    It was awesome. I woke up in a great mood.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  9. #429
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    Re: My dream diary

    That does indeed sound like a very positive development. Surf's up!

  10. #430
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    Not sure what.

    So tonight I decided to take my doubts about a certain dualistic philosophy with my personal 'light being', if there is such a being. I asked mine to show me an example of that which I am instinctively rejecting (and if you are not sure what I'm talking about take a look at Dolores Cannon's video in the forums) and of which I have discussed elsewhere. Kind of a "prove it" kind of thing- and to my chagrin, I had a dream, early in the morning of me being someone else, complete with life story.
    So now I'm not sure if this was an answer, or if I created this experience, 'cause I can.
    I also heard a voice at the end, in the hypnopomp state, which said "and now it's going to be a cat fight". The voice was female and I was getting a visual of a female, (or rather, feet in pumps), and a second later, feet on the floor.
    Very literal, if you ask me.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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