Quote Originally Posted by LoneCrow
PS we saw the UFO's because she called them down, she neve saw any before either but just meditated and asked them to show themselves so we could have proof..
I don't doubt that's possible and it's probably even the case that it's required to a degree to invite them, otherwise they might not ever appear. I think there are probably two basic types of UFOs, there are the nasty ones that Stuart Wilde writes about. These are probably lower level beings who are somehow trapped near our plane and are using the physial plane as a source of energy.

There are probably also more developed UFOs who don't need our energy but do need our permission to show up. They probably also require that the poeple they meet be in a certain state of mind of being at ease in a playful sense.

And there's probably a whole range of UFOs who are somewhere in between.

Two resources I think worth checking out are Stuart Wilde's articles in order to give a bit of caution in dealing with UFOs:

http://www.stuartwilde.com/articles/sw_ ... emerge.htm

And for a more trusting approach, this book seems to be in a good direction:
Visitors From Within
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/189318 ... e&n=283155