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Thread: Dream+Dom+Work-Experiences

  1. #81

    Re: Dream+Dom+Work-Experiences

    Around 10 days agi I had 2 interesting dreams ofwhich later I found out they were related to reality.
    1. Dream: I met a friend and we went together over a big bridge.
    In real: he called me the next day and told me that he had dreamed of me with a certain content which mirrored a certain inner feeling I had. Interesting as well is that he very rarely remembers his dreams and he directly asked me if I had dreamed of him too and then said that he clearly felt that I had dreamed of him too (although he is not into dream- or obe-philosophy very much, but he is medial which I could realize several times).
    2. Dream: I meet another friend and I becme more and more worried because he does look totally drunk, desoriented, sad and out of any control. I really worry and ask myself what happened and if i could help him somehow.
    In real: as well this friend (which I dont see anymore often, cause each of us went a bit another path, though still he is a soul-friend) then on the next day calls me, but it was almost a year that we didnt telephone. I asked why he calls me, like something must have happened. So he told me that his 20y. daughter (whomto the years before I had a good relation) now had gone on her own alone on a kind of world-travell, like back-pack and of course he now is worried, although now she would be old enough to do what she wanted. He/we also joked a bit around then buth then he said that he plans to get drunk this night. In this moment I fehlt a kind of `ah ok` and told him to dont do that, cause I would have dreamed exactly that and that this drunk condition just wouldnt be helpful in any case or sense. He then reacted like `ah ok`too and we agreed to meet someday soon again.

    Seems like our Sub or HS or both connects us soul-humans by a very different view and level than our real-i but in an always fitting and very right time-space-zone.
    wishing joyful expansion, greetings from germany

  2. #82

    Re: Dream+Dom+Work-Experiences

    16-17th September-Dream
    An atomic crash.
    Im standing with my (dream)friend on a road, then we hear and see not far from us a big explosion. We know we only have little time to decide. I say: Come, lets go here in this bunker, its near and all my friends will be there too (I knew). He answered: No, I dont go with you in this bunker. Lets go to the other one, there in the woods. But t/his one was much further and with none of my friends/family. We stucked. It got clear that we have 2 different paths now.

    Last night`s dream:
    I see a young looking guy, he feels familiar and warm somehow and looks very friendly. Then I see his amazing horse. A horse I`ve never seen before. Very big and black and powerful and absolutely beautiful. This feels encouraging, like the energy of the horse somehow would stream towards me or I would connect to it.
    wishing joyful expansion, greetings from germany

  3. #83

    Re: Dream+Dom+Work-Experiences

    Merry christmas and happy new year to everyone in the community! Lets rock 2012! all always to the very best of everything!

    Last night I had again the first clear in detail remembered dream after month (before I was too occupied with challenges+changes in reality)

    Im in my house in my flat, but which is a bit higher, almost like first floor. Two friends are with me. Im looking out of the window and I know something is going to happen soon. Then I see and know that a big airplane is going to land in our backyard. (in real all people in my district are horrified by the new landing-road, which makes the airplanes be more and much deeper to our aerea). So I wonder about how the airplane could land in our little backyard without breaking its wings. Though I know this plane is not coming just from the sky but from outer space. I also know the pilot, somehow I know him (in the dream). Then I get more and more nervous and tell to the others: urgently! we have to check the "pressure-balance"!!!!" (dont know the word in english now but anyways did not understand even in the dream what I meant with that, (but it means something like when one comes from very high and speedy or the same like from diving very deep, then one has to make this to adjust the blood-circulation, anyway).
    Then I run to my door, which now in the dream is like reaching into the air, without any stairways, like perfect for leaving a plane. Then I see the pilot and the machine are already landing, like hoovering right in front of my door. Both doors, the airplanes and my flat-door are open now and the plane is just around a meter apart from me. I wonder if I should wait a second before I act, but then I see the pilot coming out and right away jumping into my flat. Im very glad all went so well.
    wishing joyful expansion, greetings from germany

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Sunny Climes
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    Re: Dream+Dom+Work-Experiences

    Happy Holidays to you istia. I hope you had a great Christmas.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #85

    Re: Dream+Dom+Work-Experiences

    Thank you CFTraveller! And so, now time to say: Happy New Year to you&all

    Tonights Mask-Dream:
    Im an old being, indian-like, living/working on several beaches. Im the *watcher/carer*. Im tall, thin and I can moove incredible fast, but its not by running and not by flying how i moove, just can`t say how. I moove and care for this place whereby the title of this dream somehow is: "back to my tribe" or "for my tribe"... as there are many several.
    Most important and impressing for me is this Mask Im wearing and I wrote and even painted it in the night:
    right side of my head is a bush of feathers which is reaching so to say from my back-neck around 50 cm up.
    my left face side is (also from the backside but coming over the ear) covered by a huge yellow claw, like an eagle-claw. It is straddled, so i can see through it like through a grid.
    In moving fast from beach to beach I do my task.
    My nature is: vigilance.
    A very strong and pictographic dream.
    wishing joyful expansion, greetings from germany

  6. #86

    Re: Dream+Dom+Work-Experiences

    dream before last night:
    a person (i recently got to know in real) is hanging himself - in my house. Im first very worried and concerned for him, but then I realize that he is alive and just did like he would have hang him and that just to provoke me. Im very upset about this "power-game".
    In real I then found a kind of further confirmation in how he spoke that he in a way is destructive and without respect towards me, even though we do know each other for quite a short time only.
    With this dream in the back I then right away directly quitted this "friend"ship which just shortly had started. I felt and feel absolutely perfect with this decision and find it great to hear my inner voice speaking again through my energy-and-dream-body.

    Dreams of course always have several possible layers, meanings and triggers and although this may mean many things more, this was the first and most applying meaning cause so intensively connected to this reality.
    wishing joyful expansion, greetings from germany

  7. #87
    Join Date
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    South Coast, NSW, Australia
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    Re: Dream+Dom+Work-Experiences

    I think this is entirely valid. We pick up information and process it subconsciously for our protection. I always see any kind of hanging dream as a severance/disconnect in the person identified between their heart and their head, including the way they express themselves. I wouldn't take what such a person says too seriously.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  8. #88

    Re: Dream+Dom+Work-Experiences

    Hi Beekeeper,

    > I always see any kind of hanging dream as a severance/disconnect in the person identified between their heart and their head, including the way they express themselves.

    wow! that sounds absolutely fitting and even does make something more clear to me now...

    >We pick up information and process it subconsciously for our protection.

    yes thats absolutely true... though I seem to look first too often just at the inner-diamond in each person, therefore sometimes avoid to see the shadow-aspects (like for a while yet an inner odd feeling somehow was rising but could not grab/understand it)... considering this, I could understand my dream-I also as a kind of *helper* to recognize and balance what I have missed to see or accept...

    thank you, Beekeeper !!
    wishing joyful expansion, greetings from germany

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