Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #51
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you CFT...but what or how do you mean about boundaries??....It is true that I am always concerned about what other are doing...or trying to help them in this case wispering the music key´s to her...I did not judge...but she was not pulling of the piece...I was wondering why did she play a piece she was not familar with??..I feel now embarreesment is wrong word...I was more thinking why she did as he did...??..I was more baffled....

    Now has something else happened....I do not remember my dream´s at all??


  2. #52
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Boundaries- the thing that keeps your emotions yours; that keeps you from getting your feelings of well being to come from yourself and not others, the things that keep your feelings of adequacy from your own achievements and not others'.

    For example, take the 'stage mom'- the mother who wanted to be a performer but because of life circumstances couldn't, and now push their baby daughters into pageants and such inappropriate shows, regardless of whether the children actually want to participate in such things, because they don't consider the children anything but extensions of their own being, for example.

    I just wanted to reiterate, this is not my opinion, it's just what your dream is telling me.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #53
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    WOW are good...Thank you....well ...I do act here as my mother....I have bean pushed my whole life against my will and as an extention of my parent´s...and I am still struggling to find my will...what do I think and feel about thing´s...
    I had to become so many other´s....I understand ....thank you...


  4. #54
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I had one of those fear dream´s again....I was in a place where it was wild tiger´s and so...I was so afraid they will attack when this had bean like this for long time...we moved to another place and sat down...and soon I saw another tiger...and I was thinking...will these wild animals never end...then the tiger did raise up and did lick the man besides me..and went inside a building...lika a barn...and the man he went into his winter house....
    In this episod I was walking on a boulevard and I saw several big American car´s...they where converteble´s...and I was thinking
    how they dared to leave all theire thing´s in the car was they not afraid of thief´s.


  5. #55
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I had this dream some night´s ago...A bird was thrown at me (like canarian or something likely)..I couldn´t catch it and it went hard at a wall...and was harmed...I took the bird in my hand´s and it was horrible because of the damage it went by be thrown at the wall when me was not able to catch it...I was carrying the bird in my hand´s and can I help the bird..but suddenly it went better, and now I started to cut to peaces some small woden stick´s to give for food??..But I was this I can´t give for I asked if she/he wanted some cup-cake instead, and the bird did say yes.


  6. #56
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did dream about that I was scared by a tiger and I was looking behind my sholder all the time to see where the tiger was, but suddenly another threath apperared and it was threath to both me and the tiger, I did get up on a roof of a train what was moving, and I did quickly take the paw of the tiger and pulled him too away from the threath I did save him and away from the threath, now I started to walk away on the mooving train roof from the tiger because he was still a wild animal....can anyone say what this is about??

  7. #57
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I did have this dream...
    I was looking up on a building and a man was in the window on the second floor...I did show him a like a big needle one end was bend and the other end was like a very beautiful hadle it was like somekind of tool...I knew that the man did know what it was and it was a rare the man opened the window and did throw to me like a triangle napking and it had like cheramic bear´s on the corner´s ....I did catch would have be broken if I did drop it...and I was amazed..He did come down out to me...and we started to walk, but suddenly I remembered my boyfriend and now I become unsure how he would take it me walking with this man..(I felt that my boyfriend has a jellosy side, and I do not want to open up to this side of him) I said I have to go...and I took my cell phone and looked if I did have any messages from my boyfriend and now I noticed my phone was broken...but it did function the glass was broken, and I asked who has done this...and one women said she did broke it...and I have to give me a new phone...and ske said...she only have a very expensive phone it cost´s 57.000 I said....give it to me???....I did woke up here

  8. #58
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    The other night I had this dream...

    I was in an old lady´s house, you could see what thing´s the home had, it was drawn on the wall with a pen??..but the thing´s was the kitchen was a window of rombic figure, behind the window was a big cat, I opened the window and the cat entered the kitchen, she was hungry. I saw she had dry food but she did not want to eat it, she demanded me to give her food so I opened a can....

    Last night I had this dream..

    I saw 2 dog´s without their owner but they had leach on them...first I was little afraid but then I remembered to take control of my fear so I walked calmly but having an eye on them....suddenly the owner come and was so rude to the dog´s, was he showing his personal power?? or that he can do what he want to his dog´s??....I did not like it....

  9. #59
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night I dreamt that my mother died...I did pick up some clothes...on top of the heap was black clothes...some foreign women did put their hand´s on my sholder and sadly said their condoleanses...thank you I said..yes she did dye this morning.

    I think I have separeated me from my mother now, what do you think??

    In this episode I was walking with people I did not know, some boy of age of 10 wanted me to carry him but he was to heavy so I said, you can sit on my lap when I sit down...we entered a room what was messy, and it was full of bed´s not made, so we sat down on the bed and the boy did put his head on my lap, we did have like a family meeting??...I had a cajal pen what I put in my bra??

    I awoke with head acke.

  10. #60
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Last night I dreamt that my mother died...I did pick up some clothes...on top of the heap was black clothes...some foreign women did put their hand´s on my sholder and sadly said their condoleanses...thank you I said..yes she did dye this morning.

    I think I have separeated me from my mother now, what do you think??
    It depends- sometimes there are qualities about your mother that you have stopped identifying with- so the dream about her death may be an indication that you are no longer under the power or identifying with a strong quality that she imparts to you- a control issue or an authority issue, and not necessarily her personally.
    But then, I could be wrong, it could also be a premonition or worry about her health.
    Only you know.

    In this episode I was walking with people I did not know, some boy of age of 10 wanted me to carry him but he was to heavy so I said, you can sit on my lap when I sit down...we entered a room what was messy, and it was full of bed´s not made, so we sat down on the bed and the boy did put his head on my lap, we did have like a family meeting??...I had a cajal pen what I put in my bra??
    I think this relates to the whole 'motherhood' thing- the boy wants you to support him, but you need your own support, and the beds are not made (a lot of responsibility thrust on you that you don't want).
    Not sure what a cajal pen is, so I can't comment on it.

    I awoke with head acke.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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