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Thread: Worthless OBE notes

  1. #1

    Worthless OBE notes

    Every night in the darkness, as a little boy, before drifting off to dreamland, I would marvel at the kaleidoscope of coloured shapes swirling before my eyes. They would usually move about in groups of the same shape and colour, tiny sparkles twirling and playing in the gray light. With time the strange visions faded, leaving me calcified and dry, a stranger coughing and struggling in the hot desert sands of disillusion.

    In the eighties, when my grandpa was one of the first settlers in our town, a great silence permeated the air. So silent. Sitting on the floor of our living room, casting eyes over scattered puzzle pieces, the waving curtains with their circling patterns began to whisper. So easily I would fall into trance, and the whistling sound of silence became deafening. So often I wondered what breath was behind that note, seemingly coming out of nowhere and everywhere simultaneously.

    I loved going to our local library after school; books were my escape. And my favourite pasttime was fantasizing, still is, now I'm just more realistic, sadly. Always I have had a fascination with the occult, and when I started reading David Gemmell I became thoroughly intrigued. Especially with the concept of astral projection. Back when one minute of internet cost more than dinner, I used to stay over at my friends place during their weekend internet specials. All through the night I would revel in the delights that was to be found in astralsociety, so much ap, so good. And there I found the most entrancing descriptions of the higher planes, by mr. Bruce. Thoroughly intrigued.

    At 15 I started doing NEW and roping ferociously to exit, but I just couldn't do it. I would get the vibrations, my heart would leap out of my chest, but for the life of me, I could not ap.

    Life happened, and I ap once again became fantasy.

    When I started my postgrad studies, fate smiled upon me, and after some serendipity I once again became entranced. With God. I found the Autobiography of a Yogi, one year ago. I've been initiated, and now practice kriya yoga. Little did I know, at the time, how advanced NEW actually is. In my opinion, I think NEW is actually kriya yoga on steroids. And in my experience too, surprisingly. I've never been able to feel my heart or throat chakras with kriya yoga, but after rediscovering NEW recently, and after a few palpable leg bounces to recharge the vital energy I actually started coughing from the intense pressure of my throat chakra. It also felt my heart chakra without doubt for the first time.

    I think if mr. Bruce were to spend a couple of years in a Himalayan cave with only his methods for company, we would soon have a new saint in our midst, if he isn't one already.

    I like to subscribe to Sriyukteshwar's model of physical-astral-causal planes of existence, so I do not fully agree with mr. Bruce's segregation of the layers, but that's of little import. One thing I can't quite figure out is if a guru-disciple relationship is truly necessary for complete liberation. In my personal experience the guru has been instrumental in alleviating my egotistical fears, and I suspect that the spiritual momentum of the guru is needed to truly overcome the boundaries of illusion.

    Now with mr. Bruce's methods one is able to even raise the Kundalini, which is truly remarkable. But again, I think that the ability to raise the Kundalini does not necessarily mean that you have attained the psycho-spiritual capacity to tolerate it, which is where things become unstable.

    Regarding ap, I've had little experience, mostly lucid dreams. The most vivid one I had about a decade ago, I was flying over our neighborhood in the middle of the day, and it was so colourful and bright, everything just popped, a truly memorable flight. A couple of days ago, and the reason I'm writing this, is that I experienced a sort of lucid projection. I was lying down, slumbering off, and I had the distinct experience of vibrations and I was being propelled upward through a circular tunnel of vibration. Half-lucid, I was able to sort of re-initialise the vibrations with renewed vigor, and all the while I was trying to get clear. I was trying to see what I was projecting to, but the iris in front of me remained gray and locked. In a lucid way it was a pretty real experience, and a unique one, for me.

    When I just started kriya yoga, and intensely praying to the guru's, I also had a very vivid experience. Earlier the day, I had took a stroll around the block with the mother, and at some point I sat on the bulge of a tree in our yard. Unknowingly I sort of grounded myself to that exact spot. So that night, when I was slumbering off, I had a spontaneous AP. I felt myself lying on my side beneath the tree in the night. And a dog was barking at me, and barking. Suddenly I felt myself lying there and I instantly fell back into my spine.

    Here's to awesome experiences of spirit!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Worthmore OBE notes

    Hi and welcome, worthmore. I really enjoy your writing style.
    Here's to awesome experiences of spirit, indeed!
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3
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    Re: Worthless OBE notes

    Hello, worthmore.

    Very interesting post, thank you for sharing.


  4. #4

    Re: Worthless OBE notes

    Thank you Korpo and CFTraveler.

    Lunchtime. Primary school. Disdain. All the groupies moving to 'their' spots on the playground, ready to engage in the rituals of playing, and socializing, and rumoring. I too, moved to 'my' spot, or spots, however, all alone. Skulking. Hiding. Sulking. Story of the ages, I guess. Perched in the outside corner of the red-brick school building, behind a row of leafy brush, I just started to cry. Wallowing in the harshness of reality, so immovable, so concrete. Where is the magic? Where is the mystery? Where is that joy? That joy that dawns on the struggling farmer when, praying for rain as he plows his land, he unearths a cluster of fist-sized diamonds? As he tries to conceal his find, but the immense joy of realisation just bursts forth uncontrolled?

    Lapping around the dining room table, in the evenings, letting my mind wander on the impossible. A frequent fantasy involved the ability to fly, a christmas tree metropole blinking under a starry night sky, and the cutest girl in my class. I would reluctantly reveal my secret powers when I sweep her off her feet and show her the expanses of the crisp heaven. Escape. How I longed for the knowing, that feeling that there is indeed more to this life than just living and dying.

    Last night I messaged a shaktipat master on fb (yes, we have reached that point), asking the master if he thinks an Indian journey in search of true gurus is advised. Not soon after, I instantly knew the master had sent a response. I felt it. A wave of happiness. A shakti-blast. The Aum suddenly ringing in my ears, rising above the din of the computer. Checking the inbox, indeed, a prompt reply stating that the Satguru is within.

    Riding the bliss I was propelled into a light meditation. I proceeded to investigate the sounds of Aum that so strikingly manifested itself. I pressed my ears closed with my thumbs, and on the corner of my eyes I lightly placed my pinkies (to stabilise my eyes as they focussed on the ajna). Focusing on the audible ringing, I maintained my attention. Slowly beneath the high pitch I heard what I have heard before, the strange sound of a toilet refilling its bowels after being flushed. Or so it seemed. It is a disrupted sound, uneven, broken. Unlike the loud ringing above.

    Then, for the first time, I realized. It is not the sound of a refilling toilet, but of an earthy flute!

    "The vibratory activities of each center produce a characteristic sound. In meditation the yogi may hear first the hum, as of a bumblebee, emitted by the earth center. The water or sacral center has a flutelike sound; the lumbar center a harplike sound; the air center a bell-like sound; the cervical center emanates a sound as of rushing waters; and at the medulla oblongata the deeply meditating yogi hears the symphony of all sounds together: the oceanic roar of the Cosmic Om."

    Finally, some magic seeping through the veils of maya!

  5. #5

    Re: Worthless OBE notes

    Hey worthmore,

    Your writings taught some necessary points. Thanks. . Can you please refer us the shaktipat master you found on fb ?

    I cry.. when angles deserve to die..

  6. #6

    Re: Worthless OBE notes

    Is a Shaktipat master one who helps you to raise your kundalini energy and somehow takes on your karma for you? I am fairly new to that term.

    I have experienced the buzzing sound before. I used to live in a wooded area of BC. One day after energy exercises I had an elated experience and I could hear what sounded like bumble bees all around me. Everything looked a little different too - brighter or clearer, something like that.

  7. #7

    Re: Worthless OBE notes

    Quote Originally Posted by lightgal
    Is a Shaktipat master one who helps you to raise your kundalini energy and somehow takes on your karma for you? I am fairly new to that term.

    I have experienced the buzzing sound before. I used to live in a wooded area of BC. One day after energy exercises I had an elated experience and I could hear what sounded like bumble bees all around me. Everything looked a little different too - brighter or clearer, something like that.
    Shaktipath does help you raise kundalini, but I am not sure about karma thing. The experience you had is good. Once after meditation, I could smell sandalwood from nowhere all day long where none other could.
    I cry.. when angles deserve to die..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    South Coast, NSW, Australia
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    Re: Worthless OBE notes

    Welcome, Worthmore.
    "A dream is a question, not an answer."
    (Therapist and dreamworker Strephon Kaplan

  9. #9

    Re: Worthless OBE notes

    Quote Originally Posted by manish_gof View Post
    Hey worthmore,

    Your writings taught some necessary points. Thanks. . Can you please refer us the shaktipat master you found on fb ?

    The teacher is an emissary for the late Shri Shri Shri Shivabalayogi, and
    traveled extensively in the Indian subcontinent. He is Steven Sadleir.

  10. #10

    Re: Worthless OBE notes

    Recently I have begun energy work yet again in all earnestness, and
    am experiencing a pronounced whistling in my left ear. This seemed
    to start especially after beginning to focus my attention in the medulla

    I am doing the energy raising and chakra stimulation routine found
    in a Treatise on Astral Projection. I love that work all over again for
    its succinctness.

    However, I do have problems feeling the sacral and sometimes the
    navel and heart chakras. Apparently one should locate them by listening
    for sound effects associated with each chakra, but I'm hoping that
    unwavering energy work and meditation will clear things up.

    I waived the opportunity for more work/money recently, as I realize
    that my free time as a student could best be spent solidifying an
    appreciation for the search for God.

    Putting all my energy and free time in that endeavor will be infinitely
    better than waiting for waves of karma to carry me to the shores of an
    earth-bound struggle from which my current spiritual ambition could not

    As long as one has the shade of a tree, and water from the river, there
    is no need to fear. - Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya.

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