Thread: IA´s dream diary....

  1. #121
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Hello, IA.

    Again - I see no hint to any foul thing going on with that Alsatian dream. First of all, the man is having his elemental under control, not yours. It looks more like he's showing to you what an under-control elemental looks like. As I said, I know the Alsatian as a shepherd dog. The role it is bred and trained for is to be useful to man.

    There remains the question of why your response is fear and worry. You gave the explanation yourself - you referenced the events in the past. It doesn't seem like the dream pertains to those events in your past, rather that you have still some fearful reactions because of them.

  2. #122
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Thank you CFT for your input and support...The hug I did need, thank you ...and I hug back.

    Yes Korpo you are so right I have still fearful reactions because of past event´s, thank you again, you are so wise.

  3. #123
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    I have noticed that to have old fear to lean on is better than let go of it because I do not know what will re-place it??!!...So in clearens...I am afraid of my self what I am truly....better keep what I know rather than jump into the unknown....hah!!

    My new affirmation: I am the unknow....I am okay...I love myself.

  4. #124
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    I have noticed that to have old fear to lean on is better than let go of it because I do not know what will re-place it??!!...So in clearens...I am afraid of my self what I am truly....better keep what I know rather than jump into the unknown....hah!!

    My new affirmation: I am the unknow....I am okay...I love myself.

    i think it's pretty amazing you came to this conclusion because I feel pretty well exactly the same and am also afraid of myself.
    consistent lies is paradoxically a source of truth hubris is the true enemy it lied about me ( devil) & pretends to be me and God

    Sex is fun lies are sin tantra is observing orgasm in meditative trance state Saccral chakra rox

    GOD is the great ancient Creator spirit and i am a spirit made in Gods image I have everything I need to succeed & more & am actually moving through life at my own pace until I realize complete oneness with the great Spirit of Truth & achieve full enlightenment

  5. #125
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

  6. #126
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Last night in my dream that a man did show me where the stuff to make bed´s..linen, quilt and so on was. in a small house or stook, he was continueing his task´s and left me in peace to decide where and what I will start with....

    In this episod a man did show me a receipt for a goulden ring...but did not give it to me even it was mine, I started to think what ring did I buy in that store, did not be sure that I remembered....

    In this episode I was to a baths with pool and sauna...I said...please let me know if you are coming I have a change to put something on me, I do not want to stand here naked (it was men) I wanted to have my integrity...they where smiling in a joke way....

  7. #127
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    do you ever dream about snakes IA?
    consistent lies is paradoxically a source of truth hubris is the true enemy it lied about me ( devil) & pretends to be me and God

    Sex is fun lies are sin tantra is observing orgasm in meditative trance state Saccral chakra rox

    GOD is the great ancient Creator spirit and i am a spirit made in Gods image I have everything I need to succeed & more & am actually moving through life at my own pace until I realize complete oneness with the great Spirit of Truth & achieve full enlightenment

  8. #128
    IA56 Guest

    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by thedevil View Post
    do you ever dream about snakes IA?
    Snakes are not a common theam in my dreams, I know I have had some dreams about snakes but can´t recall any of them just now...As a child I alway dreamt about horses and cows chasing me and be agressiv agaist me...or to be shot by gun and I felt the bullits pears my body but I never died?? an teen I starte to dream about dog´s....but as adult I have rescued cows and ride I have solved that problem ...I still dream about dog´s but usually I do not feel fear anymore but more what the dog is supposed to represent....

    So why do you ask?? Now you made me courious...haha...

  9. #129
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    Snakes are not a common theam in my dreams, I know I have had some dreams about snakes but can´t recall any of them just now...As a child I alway dreamt about horses and cows chasing me and be agressiv agaist me...or to be shot by gun and I felt the bullits pears my body but I never died?? an teen I starte to dream about dog´s....but as adult I have rescued cows and ride I have solved that problem ...I still dream about dog´s but usually I do not feel fear anymore but more what the dog is supposed to represent....

    So why do you ask?? Now you made me courious...haha...
    i always dream of them especially lately and often i have to fight them somehow... was wondering if anyone else had dreams like these as i have a lot of strange things happening concerning serpents in particular...


    ze devil
    consistent lies is paradoxically a source of truth hubris is the true enemy it lied about me ( devil) & pretends to be me and God

    Sex is fun lies are sin tantra is observing orgasm in meditative trance state Saccral chakra rox

    GOD is the great ancient Creator spirit and i am a spirit made in Gods image I have everything I need to succeed & more & am actually moving through life at my own pace until I realize complete oneness with the great Spirit of Truth & achieve full enlightenment

  10. #130
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    Re: IA´s dream diary....

    The only times I've had 'serpent' type dreams it's been when I was having kundalini symptoms. Once I understood this (for myself, obviously) both things stopped (the dreams and the symptoms).
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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